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“Vega, he didn’t invite me,” I reminded her.

“That’s a technicality,” she told me, rolling her eyes. “We both know he is going to ask you to go with him.”

“We know no such thing,” I said, stirring my coffee.

“That man is into you big time. He wants you to go with him. He is going to ask when he gets here later. So I am just giving you a little warning, because I know you hate being caught off-guard, and like you are being put on the spot. But when he does ask, you are going to say yes.”

“If it’s a work thing—“ I started.

“Stop. Stop creating problems where there are none,” Vega demanded. “We were planning a trip to the city this spring anyway. So get a head start. I will come up this weekend. My case should be mostly wrapped up by then. We can hit the museums and Broadway in between your fun, sweaty, naked sessions with your little mob capo lover.”

“I… I will think about it,” I said.

“What is there to think about? Don’t you want to keep getting banged by that man while you also get a little trip away?”

“Yes. I mean… it’s just… it’s all very new.”

“A trial by fire is always a good option, in my un-humble opinion. Why not throw yourselves in fully? If you hate each other in a week, then no harm, no foul. You come back here and get your life going again.”

“And if it goes well?” I asked, looking up at her.

“Then you get married and have little mafia babies who say shit like prujoot and regoat and goomah. You know what, no, strike that. I think that last one means like whore or mistress or something like that. But if it goes well… you take the next step is what I’m saying.”

“But what about this?” I asked, waving an arm around the room.

“About what?”

“About Balm Harbour and my job and this apartment… and you.”

“Okay, well. Balm Harbour will still be here. Cesare will probably always have a home here. You can get a new job. Or not. Since I’m pretty sure that Cesare is loaded and would be happy to have a housewife.

“As for the apartment, I’m sure he has a better one. That is just begging for some feminine touches and some organization and deep cleaning.”

She made it sound so simple.

“And you?” I asked.

“Oh, come on. Like you could ever get rid of me,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Hell, maybe the mafia could use a lawyer or something,” she said with a smirk. “Come on, Mere. It’s a couple of hours away, not a whole world. We can see each other anytime we want.”

“I guess,” I agreed.

“Hey, look,” she said, putting down her mug and moving closer to me, her voice more serious than I’d ever heard it. “You can’t make life decisions based on your fear of the unknown, okay? I mean, sure, there’s a chance that things won’t work out, that you won’t like it, that you will need to change course. But maybe you will love it. Maybe you will be happier than ever.”

“And if I’m not? If it’s all one giant mistake?”

“Then we go back to how things were. You and me, we are ride-or-die. I’ll always be here for you. But can I let you in on a little secret?”


“I really think you’re going to be happy with him, Mere. I’ve seen you with guys, remember? All you’ve ever had is this vague, passing interest. And when they were gone, I swear you barely noticed. When you wanted Cesare but thought you couldn’t have him, you were miserable. The whole icing your eyelids and eye drops schtick didn’t fool me,” she added, smirking.

“I am going to go grab us some brunch. Why don’t you go ahead and start making a list of what you want to bring with you to the city.”

She knew me too well.

I had already started a list in my head while we were talking.

But when she was gone, I got out my notepad, and started writing things down.

It made me feel a little bit more in control of the situation.

She was right about my feelings toward Cesare. They were strong and uncontrollable.

And as much as I was enjoying him, I struggled with things feeling out of my control.

List making, inventory of the stock I had, then straightening up the house gave me some of my control back.

Morning became afternoon, then evening dawned.

With still no word from Cesare.

Anxiety closed itself around me, a snake that seemed to constrict around my neck, chest, and stomach with each passing hour without hearing from him.

“I can hear you overthinking,” Vega declared as I started dinner, not knowing what else to do with myself.

“I’m making dinner.”

“Yeah,” she said, pulling off one side of her headphones, and looking over her shoulder. “And wondering what it means that your mafia beau hasn’t shown up yet.”
