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I raised an eyebrow. “That’s because you need the practice. Which you will not be getting with the captain’s sister on the bus.”

Matteo groaned but climbed out and walked around the back. I got in and looked at Monica. “Sorry about him.”

“Weren’t you a little mean to him?”

I pulled back in surprise. “What? No. He just wanted to sit here so he could hit on you. Isn’t that right, Matteo?” I asked through the open window that connected the passenger transport area to the front.

“You say that like I can’t hit on her from back here.” He laughed. “Qué bonita estás, Monica!”

I rolled my eyes at the way he always flipped to Spanish when he was trying to flirt.

“Can I have your number? You know, to check on your health later?” The flirtatious nature of Matteo’s tone had my fingers tightening around the steering wheel.

Monica giggled, apparently amused at the young man’s antics. “I think I’ll be okay, Matteo. Though I appreciate your concern,” she said with a smile lacing her words.

I relaxed. It wasn’t as though I saw Matteo as a threat. I couldn’t exactly be upset with him noticing the same thing I did. Monica was beautiful, kind, and strong. I just couldn’t be as forward as Matteo about letting her know I thought so.

“Thanks for taking care of me in there,” Monica said softly as we rolled down Main Street.

“It was my pleasure,” I responded. Then I winced. “I mean, not that I’m glad you passed out. Just that… I’m glad you needed–” I groaned, wanting to grab all my clumsy words and shove them back in my stupid mouth. I stopped talking and took a deep breath. “I’m just glad it was me, that’s all.”

“I’m glad it was you, too,” she said softly. Her shy smile eased my fears that I had ruined the moment with my ramblings.

“I meant what I said, you know. If you need anything, I’m here. Rides or whatever.”

She nodded.

“Who is taking you to your appointment on Friday?”

“Mom is.” Then she waffled. “Well, she will as long as the plumber comes tomorrow. The water heater is on the fritz. I’ll probably just call Bryce if she ends up having to stay at the house and wait for him.”

I turned onto her parents’ street, wanting to offer but unsure if I should. Would it be too pushy?

As I turned the ambulance into the driveway, I cleared my throat. “Why don’t I just take you?” I scrambled for a reason why it should be me instead of Bryce. “I think Bryce needs to head to Terre Haute on Friday.” Or he would when I told him he did.

Monica raised an eyebrow. “What’s he going to town for?”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure. A ring, I think?” He’d mentioned it. I was sure it wouldn’t be a big push to convince him it was time to start looking.

Monica’s mouth fell open. “Seriously? Wow.”

Oh boy. What had I done? “I’m sure there is still a little time. You know, he has to wait until she moves back and all that.”

She shook her head. “No, no. I’m sure it’s not all that sudden. I just… I don’t remember their relationship at all. It doesn’t feel real.”

I nodded, as though I understood, but her words sliced through the happiness I’d had just being with her on this short drive.

Bryce and Krystal’s relationship wasn’t the only one she didn’t remember. So how was I going to help her remember ours?

“So, can I plan on taking you to your appointment?”

Monica nodded and smiled. “Sure, that sounds good. Thanks, Jake. You’re a good friend.”

I smiled tightly, dying a little inside.

Yep. That was me. A good friend.

