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Jake smiled kindly. “Well… I remember you read Elizabeth Maddrey’s newest book and mentioned loving it. Maybe check your ereader library and see what else is in there that you might get to experience again.”

I wasn’t quite sure if I was ready to be confronted with a digital record of just how much I’d forgotten, but maybe. I did enjoy Maddrey’s books. Kind of fun to know there was a new-to-me book out there I would love.

I looked back at Jake. “Thanks. That’s a good perspective to have on it.”

I started to unwrap my food and hit play on the show.

“Well, I guess I should go,” Jake said.

I shook my head. “Not so fast. Part of the experience last time was watching it with you, right? We need to keep all the variables the same, right? For science.”

I kept my eyes on the screen, but from the corner of my eye, I saw Jake look at me. He was grinning, and I felt the smile on my own face grow in return.

“All the variables?” he asked. “In that case, we’d need to be sitting a whole lot closer, sweetheart.”

I felt my cheeks grow warm. “I think we’re probably close enough.”

He chuckled and settled back into the couch cushions. “I’ll take what I can get.”



Iwoke up with a smile on my face, and it wasn’t because of the cheesy Korean drama. Finally, Monica knew the truth. Even though she still had a lot to come to grips with, it felt like there was light at the end of this impossibly dark tunnel I’d been in.

I pulled up to her parents’ house in my truck and knocked on the door. I thought about texting to let her know I was there, but the last thing I wanted was her parents to assume I was rude.

When her dad answered, I was glad I had made the extra effort. They’d given us amused smiles on their way through the house when they came home from the bistro but hadn’t seemed too surprised that the two of us were watching a show. Monica had even shared her eggrolls with me.

“Jake! Good to see you again. Come on in. Monica is almost ready.”

We chatted about Purdue’s spring football scrimmage and life at the firehouse, but Phil wasn’t especially talkative most of the time.

“I better head out. I’ve got a meeting in Indianapolis this morning.”

Mrs. Storm kissed her husband good-bye and then turned back to me. “We’re sure glad you were around to take care of Monica the other day. This whole situation is a little scary for all of us. We’re just trusting the Good Lord to walk us through it, you know?”

I nodded. “I feel the same way. I’m glad I was able to help. And today, too. Anytime I’m not on shift, I’m happy to help with whatever you need.”

Phil smiled and clapped a hand on my shoulder. “I appreciate that. I hate to admit it, but I’m not as young as I once was. You’re a good man, Jake.”

I swallowed the thick emotion that welled up at his words. How many times had I wished that Phil had been my own father? Even before my dad had died, he’d been hard and relentless in his expectations of me. If I hadn’t been such a disappointment, maybe he wouldn’t have been out drinking that night…

I cleared the gloomy thoughts from my mind and focused on Monica coming down the hall. She looked beautiful, as always, even in her jeans and simple T-shirt. I couldn’t help but wish this was a date and I was showing up with flowers.

“Good morning,” I said, though it felt woefully inadequate.

“Hey. Give me just a second to grab a granola bar or something. I overslept.Somebodykept me up late watching shows.”

I put on an innocent face and looked around. “Who, me? I believe I suggested we stop in the middle of the episode so the cliff-hanger wouldn’t pull us in!”

Monica laughed as she disappeared into the kitchen. “You’re the one who knew what was coming!”

I grinned. The first time we’d watched that particular show, we’d been unchaperoned, and I forced myself to leave at 10pm. Last night though? We weren’t cuddling, and her parents were just down the hall. So, we stayed up past midnight.

I’d be yawning all day, but I wasn’t complaining one bit.

Monica came back with a banana and a granola bar, and we headed out to the truck.
