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Bryce looked like he wanted to say more, but he simply nodded and let me brush past him to turn in the completed checklist. I tried to sleep, but despite my exhaustion, I couldn’t seem to shut my brain off. How had such a perfect dinner with my best friend and my girlfriend ended up with me angry at him and worried about my future with her?

In the morning at the turnover meeting, Bryce met my eyes across the room. “Are we good?”

I nodded, knowing I wasn’t going to be able to stay mad at him forever. That didn’t mean I had to talk to him now though. He tried to catch me after the meeting, but I left as soon as it ended.

I knew I should probably take a minute to talk with Wells, but I just really didn’t want to. Part of it was selfishness and being caught up in my own feelings. The other part was that I didn’t know if I could be a supportive friend to someone who just walked away from what seemed to be the perfect life.

Once I got home, I shut my curtains and fell asleep for a blissful couple of hours. When I woke up, there were a handful of text messages on my phone.

Monica: Haven’t heard from you. Rest of your shift go okay?

Bryce: When you get time, we need to get fitted for tuxes.

Mom: Your dad’s birthday is next week. Will you take me to the cemetery?

I flinched away from that last request. The last thing I wanted to do was go visit Dad’s grave. I could count on one hand the number of times I’d been there. I knew some people felt a special connection to a gravesite, but I never had. Maybe if I’d been closer to my dad, I would want to go remember him more by visiting.

Can’t say it was on my top-five list of things to do on my day off. Probably right there near the bottom below having a root canal and accidentally shooting myself with a nail gun.

I texted each of them back in turn, reassuring Monica that I was fine and thanking her for cleaning the kitchen. Then Bryce, setting up time for next week to drive to Terre Haute and get fitted.

I didn’t know how to respond to my mother, but I eventually agreed. I wasn’t doing it for him, but if Mom wanted to go see Dad’s grave, then I would be a good son and take her.

JB: I have to work on the 18th, but we could go on the 19th?

While I waited for my mom to text back, my phone rang, and Monica’s name and photo appeared.

“Hey, beautiful,” I said.

“I’ve got amazing news,” she said. She sounded so excited and happy, I couldn’t help but smile in return.

“What’s up?”

“I had my follow-up appointment this morning and Dr. Patel said since I’ve gotten so many memories back and my headaches are so minor that I can go back to work on restricted duty!”

I grinned at her enthusiasm. “That’s fantastic, babe. What does that mean?”

“I’m not even exactly sure yet. Probably charting or working intake, but I’m just excited to go back. I don’t even care what I’m doing at this point.”

“Well, I’m really happy for you. And most of all, I’m glad you’re recovering so well that this is even an option. We should celebrate,” I said. “What are you doing tonight?”

“Well, I was going to have dinner at Mom and Dad’s. You want to join me? Bryce and Krystal will be there too. Krystal got back from Los Angeles late last night.”

I raised my eyebrows. I wasn’t sure I was completely ready to socialize with Bryce, but it wasn’t as if I could avoid it forever. Might as well bite the bullet.

“Sounds like fun. Are you sure your parents won’t mind me crashing?”

“Please. Sometimes, I’m pretty sure they like you even more than they like me.”

I rolled my eyes. “I hardly think so.”

“I do. I remember being in high school, a few years younger than you guys. Mom would change the plan for dinner if you were going to be there so she would make food you liked.”

My eyebrows rose. “Seriously? She did that?” I leaned back and thought about the family dinners I had at the Storm’s house. I hardly remembered Monica being there, the self-centered twenty-year-old I was. “She probably just felt sorry for me. Mom didn’t cook much after Dad died.” I guess twenty years of criticism made her feel like she wasn’t good at it. Mom had tried to be the perfect wife, but Dad’s harsh standards hadn’t just been directed toward me.

“I doubt that. Seriously, they’ll be glad to have you.”

“Sure. I’ll be there.”
