Page 84 of Fair Catch

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“The team will be with you. Russ took copies over to the Myles today, and he’s going to make sure they each get a copy before next week’s event.”

I set my hand on her leg. “That’s really great. Some of the guys don’t live here though. Like Noah.”

“He’ll be here,” she tells me. “Russ and Myles have been planning this for a bit, in preparation for your summer release.”

“You guys thought of everything, didn’t you?”

“It our jobs.” She plays with my hair at the nape of my neck. During the off-season, I’ve let it grow out. I’m thinking of keeping it because she likes to tug on it when she’s about to climax and I sort of like the feeling. “Well, not the editors, but Valentine’s. She’s really good at her job and making sure local bookstores know when someone in their area is releasing a book.”

“So, what happens at this book thing?”

“The signing?”

I nod.

“Well, you’ll be the center of attention.” She laughs. “You’ll do a reading, answer some questions, and then you’ll sit at a table and sign their copies.”

I blow out an exaggerated gust of hot air. It’s one thing to be on TV but I’m surrounded by greatness and people are more focused on them than me. To have everyone fixated on me—I don’t know how I feel about that.

“This sounds like a lot of pressure.”

“You’ll be fine,” Kelsey tells me. “I’ll be right there with you every step of the way.”

“You won’t leave my side?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. Valentine and Russ will be there as well. You’ll have your entire publishing team, as well as your football team there to support you.” Kelsey kisses me softly. “The kids are going to love you, Alex. You really did an amazing job on this book.”

“It wouldn’t have happened without you” Pulling her into my side, I say, “I love you. I can’t thank you enough for this opportunity.”

“Only the best for my guy. I love you too, Alex. You really rocked this book. Everyone is going to love it.”

* * *

I’m nervous.

Every time I look out, there are more and more kids waiting to meet me. Waiting for me to come out there and read to them. I can’t recall the last time I read to anyone, other than Kelsey. I shouldn’t be nervous though. I’ve done meet and greets a thousand times over, this should be easy.

Valentine comes toward me with a bright smile. She’s someone who really enjoys her job, which I suppose for what she does, that’s a good thing.

“Are you ready, Alex?”

“I think so.”

She nods in encouragement. “They’re very excited to meet you. Remember, they already know you as a football player, so you need to just go out there and be yourself.”

“Easier said than done.” Kelsey rubs her hand up and down my back to soothe me.

“I’ll be right there with you,” Valentine says. “And your team is out there.”

“And I’ll be out there too,” Kelsey says.

“All right, let’s do this.”

Valentine goes first and then I follow with Kelsey right behind me. My team claps for me as soon as they see me. Not everyone is there, but most of them are, and some brought their kids. I shake hands, give hugs, and fight back a wave of tears. They’re proud of me. Hell, I’m proud of what I accomplished.

Valentine leads me to the metal chair in front of everyone. I sit and smile at the kids. I don’t know why I’m nervous, I’ve done these types of things a million times over, but this is different. They’re here because of something I wrote. Sure, they know me from being a Pioneer. Now they’ll know me as being an author—one that teaches them the ins and outs of the game I love, along with how to play it safely. I wave at the kids, smile, and sit down.

“Wow, so many of you came today,” I start with. “I’m really happy to see you and thankful to your parents for bringing you.”
