Page 17 of One More Chance

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Mick slowly broke the kiss and pulled back. “Hey,” he said softly. “Where’d you go?”

For a moment, she simply blinked at him. “What do you mean?”

The lopsided grin he gave her was adorable, and he looked so much like the boy she remembered that it made her heart ache. She studied his face and realized he was still so familiar to her—his smile, those eyes... The only thing that was different was the silver threaded through his hair. It looked good on him. Reaching up, her fingers skimmed along his bearded jaw and over his lips and she desperately tried to get the moment back.

“I could tell your mind was wandering,” he told her, interrupting her thoughts. “If we’re moving too fast...”

Unable to help herself, she let out a low laugh. “Too fast? Two kisses in twenty-three years?” Another laugh. “If that’s how it’s going to go, we won’t have sex until we’re too old to actually do it.”

Sienna had never been shy about sex, but from the look on Mick’s face, she had shocked him.

“Okay, okay... point taken,” he agreed. “Again, I’m just making sure you weren’t having second thoughts.”

She sighed loudly. “Okay, can we please come to an agreement right now?”


“Neither of us is having second thoughts,” she stated. “We both want this and it's going to happen. So maybe we should stop tippy-toeing around one another and just enjoy our time together. How does that sound?”

He seemed to relax a bit and gave her a grateful smile. “Pretty damn perfect.” Putting some space between them, Mick straightened against the seat and was content to hold her hand until they pulled up to his building.

She wasn’t surprised when she saw where he lived. Knowing what she did about him and his career, she expected nothing less than the best for him. But it was hard not to be a little intimidated. Situated on the Upper West Side and parallel to the Hudson River, she knew the view would be spectacular.

It wasn’t until they were inside, and the elevator went up to the penthouse, that she began to feel way out of her comfort zone.

“The penthouse?” she asked with a nervous laugh.

“I’m almost sorry it’s dark out because it has 360-degree views. If you’re an early riser, the sunrise is breathtaking.”

Slowly, Sienna walked into the space and had to keep her mouth from hanging open. It was spectacular and yet comfortable. Obviously, the address was very prestigious, but whoever he had decorate the place made sure anyone who came in could sit and relax.

On her way toward one of the glass walls, she casually put her purse on one of the sofas. Mick came up beside her and slid the “wall” open so they could step outside. It was chilly, but he motioned to a seating area that had a heat lamp and a firepit table. “Would you like to sit down? We can light the fire, have a glass of wine, and maybe just talk for a little while.”

Turning, she faced him before moving in close and running her hand over his chest. “Maybe later. Right now, I’d really like to see more of the inside.” It was hard to believe how brazen she was being, but this had been a long time coming, and the last thing she wanted was to wait another minute. They could have a glass of wine later while talking, if that’s what they wanted, but right now, it wasn’t necessary. They weren’t kids and they weren’t strangers, and back in the car they both admitted what this was all about, so why pretend otherwise? Or prolong it, for that matter?

Wordlessly, Mick took her by the hand and led her back inside. They walked through the massive living room and then down a long hallway. At the very end was his bedroom, and as soon as Sienna crossed that threshold, she knew this was going to happen.


Up until this very moment, she still had her doubts—there was even a part of her that thought she was simply dreaming. But as she stepped into the room and inhaled deeply, she knew this was no dream. She was standing in Michael’s bedroom. The space suited him. It wasn’t all dark wood and dark walls like she was expecting. No, this room was warm and inviting; simple and sophisticated in shades of gray and navy, with an incredible view of the city. And as much as she was tempted to walk to the wall of windows and admire the sights, she knew she could see that later.

Or tomorrow.

Hell, the more she thought about it, the less she cared if she ever saw it at all.

Walking to the center of the room, Sienna slid her coat off and tossed it onto the bench at the foot of the bed. There was still a bit of jittery nerves fluttering in her belly, but she knew they’d dissipate as soon as he touched her.

Which she prayed was going to happen soon.

Meanwhile, Mick stood perfectly still watching her. She saw him clench and unclench his hands and was dying to know what he was thinking.

She whispered his name and contemplated going to him, but... she really wanted him to be the one to close the distance between them.


Slowly, she licked her lips and met his gaze head on. Her heart was pounding, and when he finally took that first step toward her, she almost sagged to the floor with relief.

In the blink of an eye, they were toe to toe and his hand reached up and cupped her nape again. This time when he kissed her, it was brutal—wild and untamed and so damn perfect. They’d waited a long time for this—practically a lifetime—and it thrilled her to know that he felt this much need for her.
