Page 69 of One More Chance

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It was amazing what a good night’s sleep could do.

They hadn’t made love last night, but they had slept all tangled up together and she had to wonder if she’d ever be able to sleep without him beside her again. It was crazy how much she had gotten used to it. The typical rule was that it took twenty-one days to make a habit, but that apparently didn’t apply to her.

Great, now I’m a freak when it comes to statistics, too...

Their day had started early and all traces of last night’s tension were gone.

There wasn’t the same urgency as there was yesterday to see everything, but Sienna had to admit that it was still a great day.

Well, maybe not great, but really good.

Yesterday she had been so consumed with exploring the entire park and riding all the rides and just acting like a kid that she didn’t really notice...well...all the kids.


Several times Mick figured out what she was thinking and then they’d both stood and watched a young girl dressed up like her favorite princess, each lost in their own “what could have been” thoughts. Human emotions and behavior were such a large part of her research that it was like second nature for her to examine the people around them and try to figure them out. But standing back and hearing children’s laughter and squeals of delight, or the way their faces lit up when they saw one of the characters or were simply having fun on a ride, hit her differently than any research she’d ever done.

It hit on such a personal level that she didn’t know what to do about it.

That had never happened before. For years Sienna could interview patients or just observe people with a sense of professional detachment. But the longer they stayed in the amusement park, the more her heart ached.

They had opted for dinner at an Italian restaurant in the park and the only reason they didn’t head back to the hotel was because she wanted to see the nighttime show this park offered. And really, she was glad they did because it was truly a wonderful ending to the Disney portion of their trip.

They were heading back to the hotel a little after ten, when Mick surprised her. “How do you feel about driving home tonight instead of tomorrow morning?”

“Oh, wow. Um...I don’t know. I’m exhausted and I know you are too. Plus, it’s a two-hour drive and we’d still have to pack.” Then she eyed him curiously. “How come?”

He shrugged as they continued to walk hand in hand. “I was just thinking how nice it would be to sleep in our own bed tonight. But I think you’re right. I don’t know if I’d be confident driving that long, that late, after running so hard these last two days.” Smiling at her, he said, “No biggie.”

Our own bed.

He’d said it like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Although it was awkward, she rested her head on his shoulder as they walked. “Well now I really hate that my practicality is ruining this.”

“It’s not, princess. There are perks to staying here for the night too.”

“Really?” For the life of her, she couldn’t imagine what they were.

“Oh, yeah. For starters, we’re almost to our room.”

They were just about to step into the lobby and she realized he definitely had a point. “Very true. That means I can kick my sneakers off in about three minutes.”

He nodded. “And I can give you a nice foot massage...maybe order some room service for some dessert...”

“Keep talking...”

“Then, once you’re putty in my hands, I take you to bed and give you a very thorough full-body massage.” His voice was like silk and even though five minutes ago she thought she was exhausted, suddenly she was perking up.

They were stepping into the elevator when she asked, “And when you say order some room service, you meant for...”

“Ice cream of some sort,” he finished for her. “Or cake. But definitely something sweet.”

“Mmm...dessert, a foot massage, and a full-body massage?” She sighed happily. “I’d say somebody other than me is going to be getting very lucky later on.”

Beside her, he chuckled. “Is that right?”

“Absolutely.” They rode the rest of the way up to their floor in companionable silence and Sienna realized how much these little conversations meant to her. They were silly and sexy and it hit her how refreshing it was to talk about things other than her work.
