Page 64 of Lawsuit and Leather

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“Only a few. Otherwise, I’ll come out and take you myself.”

“You wouldn’t…” I hissed.

“I fucking would, and I would delight in it too.” He gripped the strap of my panties, twisting it along his finger like a strand of hair. “No silk shorts.” He demanded, “Not for that boy. I’ve claimed these legs, they’re mine to praise.”

“They belong to no one.” I asserted.

“If I can’t have them, then I’ll take his eyes.” He grinned, “He’ll never see what he’s missed out on… that is, now that a man is here.” I concealed my excitement, but his was unguarded, his hard erection constricted in denim, stiff against my navel. “I insist.” He continued, reaching for a folded pair of black sweats. “Lift your legs for me.”

“I can do it myself.” I whined, feeling more anxious.

“And deny me the pleasure? You’re the crazy one now. Now lift.” He commanded, kneeling towards the floor, dragging the sweats up slowly from my ankles. He moved with both delicate and purposeful speed, his eyes fixed on each inch of my legs, as if to memorize them for later. I was unsure where I started and where he began, whether it was my skin that was cold, or his that was burning hot. The combination of flesh was a compliment, a key to the goosebumps that rose in place with each demanding touch.

As he stood, his fingers pulled at the waist of my sweats, assuring the accessibility of his reach. He slipped his hand down the back, the entirety of his palm gripped my bare ass, squeezing it into an almost painful pinch. I moaned, as my belly tightened with the soft touch of his large pinky. He pulled my cheeks apart, daring to inch his fingers closer, as if to stick them in my ass.

“When I say I want to break my good girl, I fucking mean it. That includes every inch of your body, every tight hole that could mold to my size. These sweats are temporary, and remember one thing before you leave…” He made me feel fucking dirty, like he wanted to measure the tightness of an opening I myself never even played with. “What goes on, must come off. Keep me waiting, and I’ll rip these off your body.” He slowly pulled his hand away, leaving me numb and uncontrollably buzzing.

“Not another word.” I insisted, my thighs already ached from his touch, “And don’t move!” I worried at what he would do, and his promise to take me felt more like a reality. I knew this was no bluff, he’d kick down the door and steal me away if I took too long. I walked quickly past him, eyeing the open window and fire escape where he climbed in from. Of all the possible ways to find me, he had to choose this. I knew Parker would kill him if he ever found out, which was why I needed to make sure he remained on his best behavior. I looked back as I reached my door, cringing at the springy squeak of my loud bed. Alejandro was lying down at its edge, flashing a final warning of a tense stare. My clock was officially starting now, as Alejandro quietly began to count me down.

Yes, I was in trouble, and maybe in the best way possible. Had Parker come in, what would he say. I wasn’t allowed to wait any longer as I heard a shout from down the hall.

It was Parker…

Calling for his Butterfly to come.


“In forty minutes, Gem!” Parker shouted from the living room. “Pizza is on its way!”

“Coming!” I replied, opening the door slowly, squeezing through the crack to hide what was inside. I scurried down the hall, appearing as Parker turned the TV on. He scratched his chest, his taut abs ripped on display, much like the arm that dug under his shirt. I gawked for a moment, admiring the distinct cut of his pelvis whose trunk dipped into a pair of loose grey sweats.

“There you are?” He laughed, “I thought you needed some help.” His glasses were on now, a studious look to his otherwise rugged jaw.

“No help needed in there.” I nervously giggled, shaking my head. Why did I always crumble with pressure? He arched his brow at me, slipping his hand out of his shirt.

“Monster marathon?” He asked, clicking the first movie of a collection of black and white classics. “Since I missedPhantom of the Opera,we could at least watch the thing we were expecting as kids.” I nodded too hard. There was no way I could make it through this, not with Alejandro in the room. Still, I agreed.

“Sounds great!” I squeaked, pulling a blanket off the chair. I looked up at the clock, checking the time, mentally preparing for my departure.

“Let me get in on that.” Parker signaled for the blanket as I made my way over, opening it just for him. He leaned on his side, pulling the massive blanket over his body. The room grew dark as he clicked a remote, queuing the opening credits of a three-hour marathon. I couldn’t even concentrate, staring up at the clock, down to the hall, then back down towards Parker. I repeated this cycle, determining the amount of time that felt least suspicious before Alejandro would storm his way out.

What was he even doing in there? Lying on my bed, stretching along my comforter? There was so much for him to see in my room, and here I was, hopelessly stranded. What if he peeked around, what if he found my vibrator in the nightstand? First Parker, now him? He’d know that his good girl masturbated, possibly making him even more impatient than he already was. Would my vibrator qualify me as the bad girl now? I wasn’t sure. Knowing Alejandro, his correction would be more of a foreplay than an actual discipline. He’d probably make me use it in front of him, whispering his praise, showing me the best way to come. He was assertive and hungry, I doubt he’d stop at that, surely insisting that he’d be the one to fuck me with my own toy.

“I got the peach rings.” Parker announced, scooting closer. He reached over with the bag, resting his arm near mine. “I’d slip it on your finger, but then I’d have to bite it off.” He grinned, a playful but almost alluring tone. His forearm brushed along my leg as his weight creased the already small space of cushion between us. I sat straight up, which gave me the advantage of seeing his large traps peek from his collar.

“Just like old times.” I mumbled, accepting the idea.

“The best of times.” He slipped the candy right over my ring finger, “Sweet, isn’t it?” He asked, not taking a bite this time, instead placing my finger inside his mouth. I watched him slowly suck the candy off. I blinked quickly, his lips pressed against my skin, teased by the heat of his fruity tongue. The electric pulse radiated from my finger and steeped into my legs, the ones Alejandro commanded me to conceal. If Parker knew that these pants were worn only because of Alejandro’s command, what would he say? I feared to think what would happen if Alejandro came out. His perception of Parker being just a boy was a serious misconception, and a dangerous one at that. Parker was big, comparable even to Alejandro; the two being mirrored clones of size and strength. And although Parker was vocal in his assertion, there was no mistaking that my Rattlesnake was more like a bear. If Alejandro came out, there would be chaos, and I wasn’t sure who would actually survive.

“Hmmmm,” Parker hummed, “you smell different.”

“Different?” I asked, my voice croaking. “How?”

“Sweet, but not like normal.” He pondered, his senses more in tune than a wolf with its prey, “Cherries,” he stated confidently. I forgot how to blink, feeling already caught with Alejandro’s cherry scent stuck on my skin.

“New perfume.” I laughed, grabbing a peach ring from the bag. “Trying something new.” He was close enough to smell me, but I had to throw him off, grabbing another gummy, slipping it into his mouth as he took a bite.

I wondered why Parker felt so close as his hard body and tussled hair leaned in. His expression was sharp, despite the round rim of his thin glasses, causing me to tighten every muscle in my core while watching him closely. He made me nervous, almost as if he could sense what was happening between my legs.

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