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Henri smiled in a way that resolved any doubts I had about my position by his side. Everything was perfect—actually,perfect—fitted with both precision and style. Alejandro’s broad shoulders sat fitted into a sable black suit, its lapels dotted with matted studs and thin white trim. It was all so complimentary to his black vest and tie. God, he looked like the best kind of trouble.

“It’s like she knows me. Inside and out.” Alejandro unbuttoned his jacket, propping it open, commanding the respect of the entire floor.

“Marigolds?” Dean asked curiously, admiring the lining.

“Black dahlias.” Ivanna looked down, running her fingers along the hand embroidered silk flowers. “Isn’t that right, Gemma?”

“The dahlia is the national flower of Mexico.” I gleamed, its meaning representing more than just Alejandro’s heritage. “The black color is just the right twist, isn’t it?”

“I knew she was the right person for the job.” Alejandro quirked his head back towards me, giving a meaningful glance that made me smile. It was a moment we shared, a silent but loud admiration for what I’d done for him, for how I saw him. “I knew she couldcommitherself to the task… that there was someeternalbondbetween her and the talent she had.”

I turned back to my champagne, horribly downplaying the effects of his words. Of course he knew what black dahlias meant, a symbol for loyalty, for grace, for both intimate and personal feelings shared between two people. He teased me over it, but appreciated the details I carefully picked, because this wasn’t just an outfit.

This washim.

This wasmyAlejandro.

A suit for the man I knew, both stoic and masculine, defiant to a scowl with a tenderness that was often concealed inside. He looked down at me with a smolder as Dean continued to clap.

“This is promising,” Henri added quietly. “And to think we could be sketching designs such as this, possibly by next week.”

“Maybe sooner,” Dean interjected. “I just talked to Dana, and she emailed the contract this evening.”

Alejandro instantly appeared distant with Dean’s words, focusing on the floor over the conversation at hand. If I wasn’t so certain that he was happy just a moment ago, I’d assumed he was disappointed, but quickly he relaxed himself right when I caught him.

“As soon as next week for designs?” Alejandro wrapped his hand around my waist, securing me neatly against his body. He began to lean his full weight on me, using my tiny frame for support as he stroked his bottom lip. “I want to talk to you about this campaign. How do you feel about me stealing your star away for a few months, so that she can accompany me on my press tour?”

Stealme away? My heart immediately sank at the request. This was supposed to be my choice. Even though I was hesitant about this project, Alejandro knew it was still important to me.

“Don’t be silly,” I laughed to save face, resting my palm on his chest. His weight on my body felt heavier now as he leaned a little closer. “Henri, rest assured, I’ll be there. Starting tomorrow if you need me.” I looked up at Alejandro, “Isn’t that,right?”

“I’m sure it could wait a few months. Don’t you think it would be fun?” Alejandro looked to Dean and Henri for some approval. Dean buckled in the pressure of Alejandro’s chocolate eyes, nodding at both Henri and me. Henri, on the other hand, didn’t budge.

“There’s a lot of work ahead of us, this is not something we can waste time on.” Henri sipped his champagne calmly, shooting me a look that I interpreted as uncertainty.

“Maybe the campaign can be postponed. Gemma hasn’t even made up her mind yet. I think she’s still considering the position.” Alejandro cleared his throat as I pulled away, reaching for my phone as Henri explained the intricacies of a campaign.

Without thought, I opened the newly arrived email from St. La Vie’s office, skimming a forty-page contract right to the end. I was determined to settle the question that Alejandro presumed I couldn’t answer, and despite his resistance, he needed to hear the truth, one I wasn’t sure could wait till the end of the event.

“Done!” I boasted, flipping my phone to the group, showing them the signed e-doc on my screen. “Expect me when you need me, Henri.” I turned to Alejandro. “The campaign can’t be postponed over us, that’s unreasonable to assume.” I may have created more tension than I thought as Ivanna stood silently by my side, cringing.

“Oh!” Henri looked at Dean, then back at me surprised. “That’s something to drink to!” He tilted his champagne back as Dean clapped once again. An odd atmosphere had morphed over the group as Alejandro glared in my direction. Dean laughed nervously as I looked back down at my phone, which vibrated in my hand.

It was a text from Ivanna, one that left my mouth tacky and dry.

Ivanna: I shouldn’t be telling you this, but we already got your plane ticket for tomorrow. I thought you were coming!

Ticket? Ivanna looked over at me as I read the message, her panic shifting between me and the crowd. This was already planned. There was never a choice for me to stay, and I chugged my champagne to keep from shouting.

Tonight was supposed to be special; it was supposed to be about a new Alejandro. Yet everything started to feel backwards, regressing into something I didn’t like.

I caught Alejandro spying at my text as I shut my phone off, sticking it back into my clutch. He looked at me with equal parts suspicion and disappointment, as if the text message were the bane of his existence.

“I think that’s Lin-Manuel Miranda!” Dean piped up with a nervous laugh, looping his arm around Henri’s. “We’ll let you two lovebirds be.”

“Me, too,” Ivanna excused herself. “I’m going to grab us some more drinks.” She smiled kindly, stepping away as if to avoid a bomb.

Regrettably, we were alone.
