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Alex disapproved with a sigh. “Promises mean nothing. People make them every day, only to break them. Have himswearit to you, then you’ll know his word is true.”

“Play semantics all you want. I doubt you could ever be honest, swear or no swear,” I challenged.

This seemed to intrigue Alex as he drew himself closer to the table. Whatever game we were playing was now heating up. “I’ll be honest with you. You’re asking a lot of irrelevant questions to pin me in a certain light, when in fact, it’s you who’s in the wrong.”

I ignored his quip, asking something more pressing of my own. “Does she know what you’ve been accused of? Have you asked how that makes her feel?”

“She’s a big girl. She’s managed just fine without you.” Alex looked away, breaking our unofficial staring contest. “I knew you were protective, but fuck, you’re overbearing.”

“You’re too scared to answer. Just admit it.”

“If Gemma wants to entertain some idea you have of me, then she can find it in a magazine. You don’t give her enough credit… and that’s why you’ll lose her.”

“I’m not losing anyone,” I gritted, spilling an accidental vulnerability.

Alex smiled. “Don’t act like a child.”

“Then don’t lecture me on losing people.”

Alex squeezed the empty glass in his hand, my last remark causing him to glance at Gemma, then over his shoulder. Whether he admitted it or not, he wanted to run.

“Who are you looking for?” I asked, commenting on his vacant stare. “You need Lina to come help you?”

“I don’t need Lina for this but keep talking, and I just might.”

“There’s no need to bring anyone else into this, Park.” Gemma’s interjection was more so considerate than harsh. “Lina was helpful, she kept my name out of the papers after The Met.”

“That’s the least she could have done, considering how reckless her client was.”

Mila couldn’t help herself, adjusting in her seat to get closer. “What else does she keep from the papers? And please, be specific.”

“Gossip,” Gemma responded for Alex. “There’s always some vulture like you lurking for a story. I’m sure you could understand.”

“I understand better when it comes from the person themselves, not from their attorneys, and certainly not from their little stylists. Parker’s asking good questions.” Mila redirected the conversation, playing a witness I didn’t need, considering Gemma despised her.

“He’s only asking questions because he’s afraid of answering his own.” Alex stretched his neck, “Ask Gemma, herself. She knows I’m good at reading people, and I’ve already read you, Parker… here’s a truth, I neither like you nor trust you.”

“Good.” I leaned back. “You shouldn’t trust me. In fact, you should be careful around me.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I made this clear to your team of attorneys, but since you’re never brave enough to attend our meetings, it’s best if you know now… I’m not too fond of your juvenile reputation.”

“And what would that be?”

“A bad boy,” Mila chimed in, using me as a shield for her directness. “I read that you’ve settled in twelve different assault cases in the past eight years. Not to mention your history of disorderly conduct charges. Trespassing, vandalism, and public endangerment.”

“There are two sides to every story,” Gemma rebutted. “You don’t get to sit there and point fingers. I can’t think of anything dirtier than what you do.”

Mila scoffed. “What? Tell the truth?”

“You couldn’t be more delusional,” Gemma rolled her eyes. “You capitalize on the misfortune of others and the truth for you is whatever gets a bigger paycheck.”

“Haven’t you heard? The world praises negative press. It’s not my fault his poor choices make for good news.”

“And it’s not his fault that the world is a snake pit full of Camillas. Why are you even here?” Gemma asked the ceiling, shutting her eyes to reorient herself.

“To support Parker.”
