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“Nothing is too big for me, Alex. I know why I’m here, and frankly, I won’t apologize.”

“Apologies aren’t required in order to feel sorry, and believe me, you will feel sorry.”

“I have a job to do.”

“You have an obligation to abide by my rules, to approach any legal pursuit upon my approval andmyapproval alone.”

“I have to protect you and this case! That includes whatever it is you disclose to Miss Harrison,” she threatened to yell.

“You protect us equally. You have no right going behind my back and handing out non-disclosures. Not to her. Not without my permission.”

“Equally?” Lina laughed, “And how equal is this relationship of yours, Alex? How equal is ours for that matter?”

“Whatever the hell you’re trying to say, Lina, you better say it now.”

“It means, my client-attorney privileges are not being taken seriously. I’m a hell of a lawyer, but not if you’re sneaking behind my back. And let me tell you, I know something happened tonight. Yes, I went to Miss Harrison’s house; yes, I gave her the non-disclosure, but she gave me something too. Information about you and her meeting tonight? As if it were that simple, I could tell there was more to it than what she said.”

“She doesn’t owe you an explanation. I pay your bills; you answer to me. Always.”

“Be that as it may, I still have my reputation to maintain. And that’s not up for debate.” She slammed her empty glass onto the coffee table, encouraging the most provoked glare I’d ever given.

“You need to keep your voice down.” I licked bourbon off my lips.

“As I was saying,Mr. Rivers… If there’s something I need to know about tonight, then I’d rather be prepared. I won’t go back into Mr. Jones’s office and get blindsided by him, not during this critical time of your case. I refuse to look like a fool.” Lina wiped the tired mascara from her eyes, our silence interrupted over the pop of the liquor bottle once more.

“Gemma and I met with Mr. Jones tonight,” I admitted with a testy sigh, “also with hisgirlfriend.”

Lina rolled her eyes. I knew I challenged her professionalism, and that my habits would surely cause her hair to turn grey at any moment.

“Camilla?” she asked.

“How do you know?”

“I met her myself. She came in one morning when I met with Mr. Jones, and I just assumed.”

“You must have hated her. I know how much of a headache those journalists at New York Prestige can be.” I humored, but the reaction in Lina’s face represented a level of high-pressured rage that nearly broke the dam of her patience.

“You met the opposing plaintiff’s attorney and his journalist girlfriend…” she winced, “without. Telling. Me. First?”


“I would have advisedstronglyagainst that, Mr. Rivers. I would have told you no,absolutelynot! And without me? Of all the things…”

“It’s fine.”

“No, it’s not fine. What did you even discuss? Tell me everything. Now.”

“This wasn’t about the case,” I corrected, knowing that the details of our bar fight would send her into a tailspin. She seemed unconvinced.

“I don’t believe you,” she took a larger sip of her drink.

“Probably because you’re too smart. But this was something different. This was matters outside of the case…mostly.”

“Jesus, Alex…” she scolded me in Spanish, frustrated like a little sister.

“Finish your drink.” I demanded, instructing her to relax. “What was said was not as important as what I found out.”

“And what could you have possibly found out?” She shook her head.
