Page 10 of All Roads Lead Home

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“That’s not my name,” I snapped as I looked at him.

His eyes crinkled now that we had once again made eye contact.

“I’m not trying to be a dick, babe…” he began to say, and my stomach dipped. “I’m just trying to keep you safe.”

“It’s not your job to keep me safe,” I reminded him.

“Actually, it is,” he replied as he pointed at his badge.

“And my job is to report.”

“But not on this,” he pressed.

Okay, since we weren’t getting anywhere, option number one it was. I made my way through the door and squeezed past him. He was so much taller than me, but then again, I was on the shorter side. I just didn’t realize how much taller until I was trying to pass him. I felt so small and overwhelmed.

Dex was waiting for me and continued to lead me to what I assumed was his office. He waited outside while I made a call. Once that was done, I walked back out where he was waiting for me.

“Is your sister picking you up?” he questioned.

I scoffed. “It’d be a cold day in Hell before I’d ever ask her for help.”

He looked surprised by this.

“May I go now?”

“Is your ride here?”

“Does it matter?”

Dex scratched the back of his head. “We’d prefer for you to wait where we can see you.”

He must have seen something on my face, because he immediately added to it.

“It’s late already. Just give us some peace of mind and don’t go waltzing through town. Yeah?”

We? I was in awesituation with the cops now. Great.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes and instead made my way to the sitting area and waited. I knew I was going to be here for at least twenty minutes while Oscar made his way to Sunny Pines. Clark was sitting at the desk, and he was observing me. I crossed my legs and my arms and looked at everything but him.

A few minutes later, someone made their way to me, but I knew it wasn’t Clark because he was still sitting at the desk.

“Prescott,” Clark warned.

Prescott, however, didn’t listen.

“What was your plan, kid?”

I scoffed and turned to glare at him.“Kid?”

“You look around my niece's age. Just as reckless, too.” He added the last part as an afterthought.

Why was I even having this conversation? The silent treatment was doing wonders. I didn’t bother replying and did my best to ignore him. Why did the cute ones always have to be infuriating? Some sort of balance of life, I’d say.

“I’m no detective, but my guess is you were trying to get his attention?” he said.

I pursed my lips.

“Get him one on one?”
