Page 25 of All Roads Lead Home

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He looked up at the vivacious woman with wonder in his eyes.

“This is Lucas…and he’s mine.” The words left my lips before I could think better of it.

I scrunched my nose when my eyes watered, because truth be told, Lucas had been mine since before my sister dropped him off with me and never came back. She might not have given me a dime, but I always gave her money because I didn’t want this little boy to go without.

“You’re such a handsome little boy,” she told him. “Come in.”

She went inside and stepped aside, motioning us in. The house looked much the same, but also different. The same in the way that it was warm and well lived in. Picture frames everywhere with their well-worn couches and mix-matched cushions with different sayings. It smelled delicious, like chocolate and vanilla.

“You have grandkids,” I noted as I looked at one of the frames.

Jake was unsurprisingly married.

Instantly, my stomach dipped.

With everything going on… What if Clark had a girlfriend? And did that matter? This was not the time to hyperventilate, so instead, I kept looking at the frames.

Jake’s wife was gorgeous, and it appeared they had four kids…except two of them didn’t really look like Jake or his wife. I squinted when I realized I knew the dark-haired girl. Jess. I remembered her from my classes. Her father had been arrested for murder. Before my brain could get going, I switched between the pictures and laughed when I saw one of Blake, their younger brother, with a shovel trying to dig a hole big enough for a pool.

“Did he ever finish the pool?” I motioned toward Jake’s picture.

“Oh, God no.” She rolled her eyes playfully. “My backyard hasn’t been the same since.”

“Are the kids here already?” someone excitedly yelled from the kitchen. “It seems too quiet.” The voice got closer.

“Hey, Mr. Carson,” I lamely waved with one hand.

Much like his son had been, he seemed to be at a loss.

“It’s Oriana,” Mrs. Carson explained.

“Little Oreo,” he mused as he held his hand motioning to my eight-year-old height.

I grimaced.

“My favorite daughter-in-law, Oreo?”

Oh, my God. Someone please kill me now.

“And who is this little man?”

“Lucas,” my little boy said, mimicking my wave.

“Do you like cookies, Lucas?” Mr. Carson asked.

Lucas was practically drooling when he answered.

They led us to the kitchen, where I could see my coming here was a mistake, because they appeared to be ready to have a feast.

“I didn’t mean to intrude,” I told them right away. “I just wanted to ask something of you, but…”

It had probably been a mistake. Now that my anger had left, rationality was setting back in.

“Nonsense, honey. It’s been so long. I know Clarky will love to have you around.”

I snickered, forgetting about how she addressed her kids.

“I’m sure he won’t,” I said instantly.
