Page 106 of Break the Ice

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“Yum, thanks. So where do you want to start?”

“With the basics, I guess. I mean, I know the principles, but I don’t know them.”

“Sure, we can work through those. Hey, after this, do you want to grab some dinner? Or we could get takeout and go back to my place—”


“Relax, Noah. I’m not inviting you back for sex, although I wouldn’t say no.” She smirked, laughing it off when I didn’t take the bait. “But it would be nice to hang out. I don’t like being in the apartment by myself after what happened.”


“I… umm, I can’t tonight.”

“Oh, okay.” Her expression dropped. “Another time maybe?”

“Yeah, of course.”

That appeased her but made me feel like an asshole. I didn’t want to cross any lines with Sam, not again. But I also didn’t want her to become a problem if she sensed I was involved with someone else.

“Let me know when you’re free then, and we can arrange something.”

I went with a half-hearted, non-committal, “Mm-hmm.”

“Great, ready to get started?” She licked the crumbs off her fingers, keeping her eyes locked on me as she sucked them clean.

In a past life—a pre-Aurora life—it was a move I would have found sexy, if not mildly amusing. But it did nothing for me now because the only girl I could think about was her.

Aurora Hart.

Her smile and curves, her unassuming wit and banter. She had no idea how funny or gorgeous she was, and in a campus full of puck bunnies and an endless supply of casual hookups, that floored me.

“Noah.” Sam snapped her fingers, jolting me out of my thoughts.


“I said do you want to borrow my notebook?”

“Oh, yeah, thanks.”

“Are you okay? You seem distracted.”

“Who, me? I’m fine.”

“Okay, well, make a start on those three questions so I can get a feel for where you’re at. Then I can tailor our sessions to your weaknesses.”

Fuck, that word.

It splintered through me like ice.

My old man fucking loved that word, wielding it like a weapon. Cutting me down time and time again until he only had to open his mouth and I flinched.


“Yep, on it.” I read the first question and started writing down some thoughts.

“So, how’s it going with your new housemate?”

“What?” My head shot up.
