Page 124 of Break the Ice

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“Yeah, we do. Please.” His expression softened that smile of his casting its usual spell over me.

But I wasn’t going to fall for it. Not this time.

“Don’t look at me like that,” I snapped, and his mouth twitched as if he knew exactly what he was doing.

“Like what?”

“Fine. If you won’t leave, I will.” I marched past him, indignation burning through every inch of me.

“Shortcake, Aurora, come on… Connor and Austin just left. So we have privacy. Just hear me out. Please—”

“Why? Why do you keep doing this?”

“What?” He jerked back as if I’d slapped him. “I came to apologize and explain. I already texted you, but since you turned off your phone and you’re ignoring me, I’m assuming you didn’t read them.”

“Just go, Noah. I’m not doing this anymore. I was stupid to think you’d give up your old habits just because we’ve been… whatever the hell it is we’ve been doing.”

“Don’t you think you’re overreacting a little? It was a study session. Nothing happened.”

I snorted. “You couldn’t fool my brother with that bullshit excuse, and you’re definitely not fooling me.”

“I don’t need to fool anyone.” Hurt flashed in his expression. “Because it’s the truth.”

“So you’re trying to tell me that you abandoned our date—literally abandoned me on the side of the road—for a study session? I might be a fool, Noah, but I’m not an idiot.”

“The fuck are you talking about, woman? The study session with Sam was my cover for taking you out. I didn’t see her after I dropped you off.”

“You didn’t?” I frowned.

“No. And you would have known that if you gave me a chance to explain.”

“Sam made it sound like—”

“Sam?” He gritted out, his expression turning thunderous. “When the hell did you talk to Sam?”

“She ambushed me on campus. I got the impression she was staking her claim.”

“Sam is a friend.”

“That you slept with,” I pointed out.

He ran a hand over his jaw, grimacing. “Made the mistake of sleeping with, yes. But I haven’t touched her in weeks.”

“You haven’t?”

“No, I swear, I haven’t been with anyone since—” He stopped himself, but I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “Since when?”

“Since you got here.”

“Well, that’s a lie.”

His brows pinched. “So now you’re keeping tabs on my sex life?”

“You brought Fallon back to the house. The first weekend I was here. I heard you two going at it.”

“I don’t know what you think you heard, but I swear on my life, I have never brought Fallon back to the house. Or any girl, for that matter.”

I chose to shelve that little tidbit of information for another time. Choosing to double down on my accusation instead. Because he was lying—he had to be.
