Page 165 of Break the Ice

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“I’d kick his ass if I could,” Noah said, reaching for me. He cupped my face, brushing his finger along my jaw. “Austin mentioned he’s at Fitton U.” I nodded, and then he said, “You know the Falcons are in our conference.”

“I know.”

“So maybe I’ll get my chance.”

“Coach Tucker would kick your ass six ways from Sunday,” I said, trying to ignore the way my heart ratcheted in my chest.

“It’d be worth it, though.” He leaned in, ghosting his lips over mine. “Scooch up, shortcake.”

I moved over, and Noah swung his legs up on the bed, sliding his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side.

“This is nice,” he said, stroking his hands over my skin.

My curves.

“Yeah.” I snuggled closer, closing my eyes and breathing him in.

It was nice.

Too nice.

Noah made me feel beautiful. He made me feel cherished and desired and worthy.

But it was a dangerous path to tread again. Because when he realized the truth—when he realized I wasn’t enough—my heart wouldn’t just break.

It would shatter.

And I knew there would be no coming back from that.

I woke to an empty bed, the tangled sheets beside me already cold. For a second, I wondered if it had all been a dream. But my body ached in the best kind of way, memories of Noah kissing me, touching me… loving me.

But it was the morning after, and he was gone.

A sinking feeling went through me as I reached over, fumbling on the nightstand to grab my cell phone. He wouldn’t leave me. He wouldn’t—

Noah: Sorry I had to sneak out. Austin locked himself out, so I had to get up and let him in, and I didn’t want to risk sneaking back into bed with you. Last night was… perfect. You were perfect, shortcake.


The word sank into me, soothing the tight knot in my stomach. But perfect was an illusion, wasn’t it?

At least, for me.

A loud knock on my door startled me.


“Yeah?” I called.

“We need to talk.”

“Austin? I just woke—”

“Please,” his voice cracked. “I’ll make fresh coffee. Meet me downstairs.”

Quickly, I texted Noah.

Aurora: Do you think Austin knows?
