Page 178 of Break the Ice

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“Ella, I’ll be fine. I always planned on moving into my own place anyway. It isn’t a big deal.”

“I know. I’m just… Oh, come here.” She pulled me into her arms, squeezing the crap out of me. “You’re beautiful, Aurora. Inside and out. I hope you know that. And one day, the right guy will come along and sweep you off your feet.”

I was pretty sure he already had, but I didn’t tell her that.

“I was going to tell him, you know,” I said as she headed for the door.

“Tell who?”

“Austin. I was going to tell him about Noah and me. Crazy, right? I was going to risk my heart all for a guy who never wanted it in the first place.”

“Listen, maybe you should—”

“It’s fine.” I waved her off. “I’m fine. Go eat before Connor hulks out. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She hesitated, a strange expression on her face. But then she gave me a small nod and slipped into the hall, leaving me alone.

But I wasn’t alone, not really.

Not anymore.

Things might not have worked out with Noah, but I was determined to make life in Lakeshore work.

More than ever.



“What the hell was that, Holden?” Coach Tucker boomed across the ice, earning me a snicker from Adams.

“Feeling a little off your game, Holden,” he drawled. “Maybe you should—”

I shoulder-checked him into the boards, feeling a lick of satisfaction at his grunt of pain.

“Asshole,” he yelled after me, and I flipped him off over my shoulder as I skated away.

“Tell it to someone who cares, fucker.”

“You need to get it together,” Connor chased me down the ice.

“I’m fine.”

“You look fine.” He rolled his eyes.

“Leave it, Morgan. I’m just burning off some steam.”

“Tell that to me when Coach replaces you with one of the rookies.” He blocked off my route, and I drew to an abrupt stop. “We agreed this was the right thing.”

“We did.”

So why did it feel like my heart had been yanked out of my fucking chest?

Three days.

Aurora had been gone three days, and I’d only seen her once around campus—briefly across the cafeteria before she noticed me and hurried the fuck out of there like she couldn’t stand the sight of me.

Not that I blamed her.
