Page 203 of Break the Ice

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Aurora: You bossing me around and getting all growly and possessive.

Noah: I thought you liked me all growly and possessive.

Aurora: I don’t hate it.

Noah: Jesus, shortcake. I’m not sure I can wait until after the game to see you. Sneak back here now and give me a good luck kiss?

Aurora: Behave. Good luck, hotshot. Kick some Falcon ass.

Noah: It would be my pleasure.

“Holden, son, that had better not be a cell phone I can see,” Coach Tucker pinned me with a hard look.

“No, sir.”

“Mm-hmm. I want you all out on the ice in less than five minutes. Holden, a word.” He beckoned me over, and I grabbed my helmet before heading toward him.

“Yes, Coach?”

“I heard a rumor you might have a personal issue with one of Fitton’s players?”

“Not me, sir.”

“Good. Keep it that way. I’m pleased you and Miss Hart worked out your differences, but I won’t tolerate personal issues bleeding onto the ice. You hear me?”

“Loud and clear, Coach.”

“Good, now get out there and show them what you’re made of, son.”

With a sharp nod, I followed my teammates out, praying to God that I could keep my promise to everyone.


“How are you feeling?” Harper asked as we watched the team gather around Coach Tucker and Assistant Coach Walsh for their last-minute pep-talk.

“Nervous. Really freaking nervous.”

“Can you see him?”

I knew she didn’t mean Noah. I’d had eyes on him since he appeared rink side.

She meant Ben. The one guy I never wanted to see again for as long as I lived.

But I needed to be here for this. For Noah and my brother.

And myself.

Because what Ben and Tierney did to me last year wasn’t a reflection on me, it was a reflection on the shitty people they were. And while I’d love nothing more than to kick him in the balls and tell him what a sack of shit he was, I’d settle for the Lakers wiping the ice with his team.

“I still can’t believe Noah freaking Holden is your BAE,” Harper laced her arm through mine and did an excited little shuffle.


“Yeah, you know. Your babe. Boyfriend. Before anyone else.”

“Right,” I chuckled, certain she spoke a different language half the time.

“Oh my God, look, he’s skating over here.”
