Page 23 of Break the Ice

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“I’ll keep that in mind.” Nervous laughter bubbled out of me, my stomach tumbling.

“Are you excited about starting classes? English major, right?” I nodded and she went on. “That’s cool. I’m a senior and work at the library, so if you need any help, just holler.”


“What are we talking about?” Dayna rejoined us.

Ella snagged her hand as she passed us to get to the other couch and yanked her down. “So… What did he say?”

“After he asked me like eight times if I was serious… He said, and I quote, ‘I’m coming to get you. I need to be inside you, freckles, right fucking now.’” She got a dreamy look on her face as she let out a soft, contented sigh.

“So romantic,” Ella said. “And slightly caveman, but we’ll let it slide because, oh my God, you’re moving in together.”

Another round of shrieking ensued while I sat there, watching these two strong, confident girls celebrate, wondering if I’d ever find that. The negative little voice in my head whispering that I probably wouldn’t.

I’d grown up in the shadow of my slimmer, prettier friends. Watched as they all got boyfriends, dates, and first kisses. I’d stood on the sideline more times than I could count, watching them chosen for school dances and events.

Until Ben.

He saw me—he chose me.

But it had all been a lie.

Because love was a lie.

One I wouldn’t let myself believe in again.

Girls like me didn’t get the guy.

They got nothing but a heap of disappointment and regret.

And bittersweet heartache.



“What the fuck was that, Holden?” Aiden bellowed across the ice as I lost the puck, watching Leon and Ward skate down the rink toward the goal.

“I fucked up, Cap,” I called.

“Damn right, you did.” He skated over to me. “If you’re going to score this season, you might want to try keeping hold of the puck.”

“Very funny.” I flipped him off. “I’m a little rusty, is all.”

Truth was, I’d spent plenty of time on the ice over the summer, keeping myself in shape. It was a bad morning, nothing more.

Mase scored, shooting me a cocky glance. “And that’s how you do it.”

“It’s not even official practice yet. I’ll be skating circles around you in a few weeks.”

“You hope.” He winked, doing a couple of victory laps.


“If something’s on your mind…” Aiden said, leaving the unspoken words hanging between us.

“It’s not. You can count on me this season.”
