Page 40 of Break the Ice

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But he didn’t owe me anything.

He could be friends with whoever he wanted.

It didn’t stop the stab of jealousy I felt though. Was this Noah’s real MO? To collect female friends that he had no interest in dating. Like his very own platonic harem. Maybe he had a savior complex and wanted to fix the world, one damsel in distress at a time.

Whatever it was, I wanted no part of it.

Because my broken, fragile heart wouldn’t survive it.

“Hello, it’s Aurora Hart again. If somebody could get back to me about the apartment, that would be great. My number is on file.” I hung up and let out a weary sigh.

The student housing office was supposed to be open seven days a week, but I’d already called twice and gotten their voicemail both times.

Living with my brother and his friends was proving to be more difficult than I expected. Scrap that. Living with Noah was proving to be more difficult than I thought. Connor and Austin weren’t around enough to get in my way. But Noah was making a bad habit of it.

On Friday, I plucked up the courage to walk the short distance to Lakeshore U campus and find the library.

It was a gorgeous federal-style building with a dome and elliptical fanlight windows above the main doors. It reminded me of a smaller version of the US Capitol Building.

I scanned my student card to gain access and slipped inside. They operated an automated checkout system during off hours, but I was only here to browse.

Growing up, books had been like a friend to me, letting me escape between the pages of a young adult fantasy or a larger-than-life romance. Reading gave me great comfort. It let me put my life on hold and step into someone else’s shoes for a little while.

We all needed that sometimes.

A break from reality. From responsibility and burden and heartache.

I bypassed the non-fiction sections and made my way to the fiction section. It was tucked right at the far end of the room, but I didn’t let that bother me.

Scanning the shelves, I chose a popular fantasy novel and found a seat. The library was practically empty, but I’d gotten used to being alone. My own company didn’t bother me.

But no sooner had I read the first page, did my cell phone start vibrating. I dug it out of my purse, frowning at the group chat I’d been added to.

Austin: House meeting has commenced.

Unknown 1: Can you really call it a meeting if we’re texting?

Unknown 1: Did you add Aurora? She should be here for this.

Austin: I added her. Aurora, you there?

I stared at the screen, wondering what the hell I was about to be pulled into.

Aurora: I’m here. I don’t understand what’s happening though.

Unknown 1: No one ever does. Holden, you there?

I realized that ‘Unknown 1’ was Connor and saved his number.

Unknown 2: I’m here.

That was Noah then.

Connor: Any idea what Austin wants? Because I’m kind of in the middle of something.

Noah: You mean you’re IN something.

Austin: Correction. Someone!!!
