Page 5 of Break the Ice

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“Don’t you have to follow a strict meal plan during the season?” I frowned.

“Try telling Connor that.” Austin nodded toward his friend.

“Hey, I burn it all off on the ice.” He ran a hand down his stomach.

“You mean you burn it all off between the sheets with Ella.” Noah smirked.

“Seriously, you went there, motherfucker? Because the last time you—”

“Relax, man. I’m joking.”

“Seriously, guys. Can we not do this now? I’m starving, and Aurora is wondering what the hell she’s gotten herself into with you two going at it like an old married couple.”

“Sorry, Aurora.” Connor smiled. “Holden, you coming with? Or has Sam finally convinced you to take her out?”

“Fuck off, asshole. There’s nothing going on between Sam and me.”

“Try telling her that. I told you not to stick it in her—”

“Dude, sister present.” Austin ran a hand over his jaw, casting me an apologetic glance.

Did he already regret agreeing to let me stay? Because part of me already regretted saying yes.

“Sorry, Aurora. But Holden here has a little puck bunny issue.”

“Don’t sweat it,” I murmured. “I’m going to grab my purse before we leave.”

I didn’t want to go, not really. But I needed to do this. I needed Austin to think everything was okay.

I needed to believe everything was okay.

Leaving the guys to their puck bunny discussion, I went to find my purse. But Austin wasn’t far behind me.

“Sorry about that,” he said. “They’re not always so… oh, who the fuck am I kidding. They’re always assholes. But they’re both good guys, I swear. Noah puts his foot in it a lot, but he’s—”

“Austin,” I stopped him, “it’s fine. I’m fine. Are we heading out then?”

“Yep. I can’t wait for you to meet the rest of the team. Officially, I mean.” Something flashed in his eyes. A hint of regret. Sadness even.

It was his senior year, his final season with the Lakers, and I’d never even watched one of his games live.

How sad was that?

But he wasn’t solely to blame for the distance between us. When he left three years ago, I’d been angry. And I’d doubled down on my feelings, refusing to talk to him. Weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. Until last fall, when I’d finally shoved down the bitterness and resentment festering inside me and came out to visit him.

We kept in touch a little more after that: texting one another, making the odd phone call, and emailing here and there. But I never told him the truth. I never owned up to why I’d shown up that weekend after two and a half years of barely any communication.

Austin had a life in Lakeshore; he had friends and hockey, and a line of girls all vying for his attention. He had everything he’d ever wanted. I didn’t want to ruin that.

This was our fresh start. A chance to patch up our relationship and get back to being the Austin and Aurora we were before our lives went to shit.

And to leave lying, cheating ex-boyfriends and piece-of-shit ex-best friends where they belonged.

Behind me.


