Page 99 of Break the Ice

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“I’m sure it’s just the pressure of senior year. The guys talk about it non-stop, and I know the team wants to go all the way this season.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” The smile she gave me didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m probably overreacting. It doesn’t help that it’s shark week. My hormones go haywire this time of the month. Anyway, what can I help you with?”

“I’m looking for these three books.” I handed her the slip of paper I’d scribbled down the titles on. “I tried online but got nothing.”

“Let me see what I can do. I’ll be right back.”


Ella disappeared into the back, and I waited, startled at the vibration of my cell phone.

My stomach fluttered at the sight of Noah’s name.

Noah: Shortcake, I need your opinion on something… can you meet me ASAP?

My brows furrowed.

Aurora: I can’t right now. In the library hunting down some books.

Noah: What time is your next class?

Aurora: Less than an hour. What do you need my opinion on, maybe I can help over text?

Noah: It’s more of a visual thing.

“Got them,” Ella appeared, and I quickly pocketed my phone, ignoring the vibration.

“Do you need to get that?” she asked, and I shook my head.

“No. It’s just Austin being his usual annoying self.”

“Want to follow me, and I’ll show you where they’re located?”

“Great, thanks.” I followed Ella as she headed toward the back of the library. “How is that going, by the way? I hope the guys aren’t giving you too many headaches?”

“It’s okay. Now that the semester has started, we all come and go a lot.”

“Wait until the season officially starts, then you’ll barely see them.”

“It’s that bad, huh?”

“You think hockey rules their lives now? Wait until October, when it can get intense. Thirty-four games over five months, more if they qualify for the post-season tournament.

“It’s sound exhausting just thinking about it.”

“It is. But hockey is in their blood.”

“Do you worry about what will happen when Connor turns pro?” I asked, thinking back to their conversation the other night.

“I’d be lying if I said no.” She gave me a weak smile. “He says we’ll make it. But I’ve read the stories. NHL wives following their husbands across the country, putting their dreams on hold while he gets to live his.”

“It sounds like you have a lot to talk about.”

“That’s just it. There isn’t a choice for me, Rory. Connor’s the love of my life, and I’m in. I’m all in. But I’m scared too.”

“I think that’s understandable. Connor’s life is going to change in so many ways. But he’s going to get to live his dream. Not many people can say that. And he gets to share it with the girl he loves.”

Ella inhaled a sharp breath, rubbing her eyes. “Whew, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offload all that on you.”
