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Her stomach dropped and pitched. She thought she might lose the breakfast Max had been kind enough to make her.

Mr. Wilde took the dishes from her and walked back toward the kitchen.

She swallowed hard and tried to think. “What did he take, Agent Gunn?”

“A prototype. One worth a lot of money, designed to do one thing, but capable of doing a lot of harm in the wrong hands.”

Since the FBI was involved, she made an educated guess. “I take it this prototype came from a government contract.”

Agent Gunn remained silent on that one.

She played the scenario out. “But the company under contract decided they could make more money off it using it in a different way.”

Agent Gunn’s eyes filled with admiration. “Actually, the director in charge of the project stole it by transferring it to a secure server in a country that doesn’t have an extradition treaty. Your brother stole it from him and a server that is supposedly unhackable. We need it back.”

She swore under her breath. “Well, I don’t have it.”

Agent Gunn eyed her. “Are you sure? Because I have it on good authority that the man who attacked you and killed your boyfriend followed your brother to yourplace earlier that day and went back to find what he suspects your brother left with you.”

She beamed, excited that one thing could be done to get justice for Marcus and take the target off her back. “Great. Then you know who killed Marcus. Is he in custody?”

“No,” Hunt grumbled.

She deflated, her hopes dashed.

Mr. Wilde rejoined them.

Hunt gave her more bad news. “The feds are hoping he leads them to the director and your brother.”

She gasped. “You mean when he goes after Kyle to get back the prototype and kill him?”

Agent Gunn shrugged. “Your brother put himself in this position. He got back what didn’t belong to the director who took it. But Kyle didn’t return it to us.”

She gave her muddled mind a second to process and fill in the blanks in that announcement. “Kyle is... experienced at getting into things he shouldn’t,” she said diplomatically because her brother loved hacking into things just to see if he could do it.

“Yes, he is,” the agent confirmed.

Kyle was... Kyle. Quiet. Introverted. Lost in his electronic world. A gamer. A hacker, sure. But a thief? No. She didn’t want to believe it. It didn’t fit.

Agent Gunn held her gaze. “I need your help to get to your brother before the man who is after him gets to him first.”

“Kyle didn’t tell me where he was going or when he’d be back.” And it frustrated the hell out of her. It scaredher, too, because she didn’t want anything to happen to him, even if this was his fault.

He had to have a good reason.

She just needed to talk to him and find out why and how they could end this.

A thought popped into her head. “Shit.”

Everyone stared at her, expecting her to say more. Instead, she pulled out her phone from her sweatpants’ pocket and called Kyle with everyone staring at her.

She put the phone to her ear, knowing she’d get Kyle’s voice mail. Once she heard the message, she knew everything the agent was telling her was the truth.

Agent Gunn stepped closer to her. “Why would he leave that message on his voice mail?” He’d obviously already listened to it.

“He taunts me for not using my aptitude for math doing something more lucrative.”

Agent Gunn’s intense stare didn’t waver. “Like what?”
