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She held Max close, her arms around his back, her fingers brushing against his overheated skin.

The quiet held them in its intimate embrace, giving them time to settle into each other once again as a couple. The afterglow of what they’d shared washing away any doubts or hesitations they may have held on to until this moment when everything real about what they felt for each other solidified into absolute knowing.

They were good together.

They belonged together.

Max rose up on his forearms, stared down at her, and brushed a lock of hair from her cheek. “This is where I belong. Right here. With you.”

“You read my mind.”


“I’m right where I want to be.”

He left her only long enough to deal with the condom cleanup, then sank into bed beside her. She immediately rolled into his side and settled her head on his shoulder. He lay content with her in his arms, skin to skin, hoping this was the first night of the rest of his life that she was right here beside him.

He’d spend the rest of his life doing everything possible to make her happy.

Seconds before he fell asleep, happier than he’d been since the last time they were together like this, footsteps pounded up the stairs and his bedroom door flew open.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Max sat up in bed, gun in hand pointed at the man standing in the open door.

“Don’t shoot,” Tom called out.

Max sighed and dropped his hand, his heart pounding with fear.

Kenna held the sheet to her chest. “What’s happening?”

Tom tossed a bunch of clothes at her. “Get dressed. Now. We have to go. Now, now, now.” Tom moved just enough away from the door that he couldn’t see them getting dressed as he covered the stairs, gun drawn.

Max grabbed his clothes off the floor.

Kenna threw her legs over her side of the bed and started pulling things on. “I need shoes.”

Tom rushed into the room across the hall and came back and tossed her a pair of sneakers.

Max was already dressed and pulling on his boots.

“Ready?” Tom’s voice rang out, sharp with impatience.

“Ready,” Kenna called out, taking Max’s hand and heading to the door with him.

They headed down the stairs to the front door, where Tom stopped and caught Max’s gaze. “You and your dad get into your truck and take off. Do not follow us. I need to get her as far from here as possible.”

“I’m going with her.” Max refused to leave her or let them just take her without telling him where they were going or when she’d be back.

Tom shook his head. “I don’t have time to argue. We’ve got an undercover agent who says she’s in immediate danger. She is my priority. You’re a distraction.”

Kenna turned to Max. “He’s right. You need to get your dad and get as far away from me as possible so you aren’t a target.”

He slid his fingers into her hair and gripped it softly. “I’m not leaving you.”

She kissed him quick. “I need you to. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you or your dad. Please, Max. Do this for me.”

He couldn’t do it. “No. Where you go, I go, and that includes into whatever danger is coming our way.” He saw his dad coming down the stairs and tossed him his keys. “Take the truck. Go to Hunt’s place. I’m going with Kenna.”
