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Carly looked slightly surprised by the offer but nodded. “Okay, well, other than you and Tess, I’ve recruited Rachel and Skylar and Dex. Callan has a full tour schedule, but he offered to help when he can.” Carly paused and looked away. “And Sebastian’s going to help.”

Oliver’s jaw clenched. “Wonderful,” he said tightly.

Carly turned toward him. “Come on—give him a chance. He’s new to town and could use some friends.”

“I have enough friends,” he grumbled. One, really. Her. And he wanted to maintain that status. He already felt Sebastian driving a wedge between them and he didn’t like it.

Carly grinned and touched his hand where it rested against the float. “Where’s that local hospitality spirit I know you’re capable of?”

Oliver’s gaze was transfixed on her hand on his and her words sounded far away. She quickly lifted it and laughed strangely. “I’m sure you two will figure it out,” she said.

She turned and surveyed the work he’d already started with the flatbed they were using. Oliver had created the base with wood and chicken wire, and he’d just been waiting on her design to add fabric and lights. “Thank you again for getting started on this.”

“No problem. Parade’s three weeks away, and with your design idea, we’ll be cutting it close.”

“This really is huge,” she said, eyeing the platform and biting her lower lip.

“Rethinking this now, aren’t you?” he asked with a grin.

“No.” She squared her shoulders. “We can totally get this built in time.” Her cell chimed with a text and he watched as she reached for it and read. A smile crept across her face and his gut tightened. “I have to get going,” she said, putting the phone away.

“Hot date?” he asked before he could stop himself.

Carly cocked her head to the side and folded her arms across her chest.

Uh-oh...he was in for an earful. Why had he said anything? It was her life; she could date whomever she wanted. Unfortunately, the idea of her dating anyone other than him was making him slightly nauseous.

Carly’s piercing gaze burned into his. “Is there something you want to say?”

He shook his head quickly. He’d already said too much. Or not enough. He couldn’t decide. These feelings were new and confusing. “No. Just be careful with guys like that...” She’d only just met Sebastian and she didn’t know the real guy. The one he presented himself to be around Carly wasn’t the complete picture, and he didn’t want her getting hurt.

“Guys like what? Smart, successful, interesting...complimentary?”

That last one hit its mark. “What’s that supposed to mean? I compliment you.”

“Really? When?”

Since when did she want him to? His heart raced, as he knew they were heading into slightly dangerous and very foreign territory. They’d never talked like this before. They’d never challenged one another with...expectations. Friends took each other at face value. They were direct and said what they meant. This gamesmanship that seemed to be happening was for relationships. Had she, too, sensed a shift? How long ago? Had he been blind to her feelings and intentions all this time or was this a new thing for her too?

She tapped her foot as she continued to wait.

Shit. She was really expecting an answer. “Um...the other day on the boat. I said I liked your swimsuit.” Just the thought of the swimsuit now had his heart racing. He wouldn’t admit to the thoughts he’d been having about it the night before, alone in bed.

She shook her head. “Nope. You asked me if it was new.”

He sighed. “I thought the compliment was implied.”

“You told me the tag was sticking out!” Well, one thing was new—this exasperation from her. He’d never seen her frustrated with him like this. Carly was always calm and even-tempered. This side was a little terrifying, but only because it was attractive as hell.

And Oliver was sweating bullets. What exactly was happening right now? The tension around them was nearly suffocating and the urge to word vomit exactly how he felt about the swimsuit was overwhelming. He swallowed hard. “Well, would I be a good...friend if I didn’t tell you that your tag was sticking out?”

She huffed, but then reluctantly sighed in agreement. “Okay, fine. But it wasn’t a compliment.”

He swallowed again. Now or never. Say something!

“Well, was a really great swimsuit.”

She nodded, looking like it hadn’t blown her mind, but she’d take it. “Thank you.”
