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But it wasn’t his concern. Nor would it be for another six days.

He straightened his headset as he continued the speech. “To the left on the hillside is the famous Port Serenity lighthouse. It is one of the oldest lighthouses in America, standing there for over a hundred years. While the coast guard has official control over it now, the fourth-generation lightkeeper still lives there.” Oliver Klein and his daughter, Tess, lived in the magnificent structure with its tall light tower, the rotating beacon still a source of hope and guidance to all at sea. Unfortunately, the family had suffered a tragedy several years before when Oliver’s wife, Alison, and his older daughter had gone missing after a day out on their boat, and Dwayne had heard recent rumors that Oliver might be planning to move on...away from Port Serenity and the memories that haunted him.

“Along the coastline to the left, we can see the Port Serenity Marine Life Sanctuary, a research facility that ensures safe and ethical practices in researching marine creatures in their natural habitat.” It was one of his own favorite places to visit in town. There was always something interesting going on inside the lab—new species discoveries and weekly conservation presentations. “Be sure to check it out before you leave town,” he told the family.

“Is that the coast guard station?” the father asked, pointing to the small, nondescript building. Along the pier, rescue vessels were docked, and he could see several crew on the deck ofStarlight. Most likely a training procedure.

The helicopter pad came into view and Dwayne’s stomach twisted at the sight of “his” MH-65 propellers rotating in preparation for takeoff. He’d left the post in the very capable hands of his crewmate Officer Dorsey, but it still made him uneasy to think that he wasn’t the one the team could rely on in an emergency.

“Yes, that’s it,” he said, forcing the longing and regret from his tone as he delivered the spiel about the Port Serenity Coast Guard division and its long history of having a Beaumont as the commanding officer. The third-generation Beaumont in that role—Skylar—had been the one to suspend him from duty...twice in a year since she’d taken the helm.

“Do you think we could see Sealena from here?” the kid asked, perched on the edge of the seat, her nose glued to the window as she peered down at the ocean.

Sealena the Serpent Queen was rumored to protect the oceans along the Alaska coast. The town had adopted the mythical creature as their own generations ago and now Port Serenity was famous for its “sightings.” Visitors flocked to town during the warmer, milder months to visit the Sealena museum and bookstore, enjoy boat tours, watch the Sealena festival parade—which was scheduled for later that day—and enjoy a night at the themed hotel. Embracing the myth had brought the sleepy fishing village to life decades ago and ensured its prosperity for future generations.

Dwayne glanced back at the kid and winked. “You never know. Keep your eyes peeled.”

Whilehe’dnever caught a glimpse of the half woman, half serpent creature, he had experienced the mystery and the unknown of these oceans, hills, mountains and valleys. Enough to know that there were some things that couldn’t be explained.

ANNAARMOSHADarrived in Port Serenity with a map and a mission. One that didn’t include this traffic jam. She leaned around the back seat of her Uber and peered through the windshield. “What’s going on?” It was a small coastal town, and while it was tourist season, she hadn’t expected the crowds lining both sides of the street.

“The Sealena parade,” the driver said, stopping behind a long line of cars.

Handmade floats on flatbed trucks that were blasting local music were visible from the side road. A large Sealena-themed float went by—the papier-mâché Serpent Queen posed in a fierce stance, protecting sailboats in a storm, and Anna sighed.

Mythical sea creatures.

Sure, people might call the treasures her family searched for just as fictitious, but at least there were credible, reliable accounts of the lost gold and riches... Sea monsters were just ridiculous.

She checked her watch, then consulted Google Maps on her cell phone. It was a sixteen-minute walk from her location to Madden Heli-tours. Waiting to get through this traffic would definitely take longer. “Thanks. I’ll walk from here.”

Climbing out of the vehicle, she tossed her bag over her shoulder and headed along Main Street through the thick crowd. Port Serenity was a favorite Alaskan tourist destination in the summer months, and she would have avoided it this time of year if her mission didn’t require warmer weather and better backwoods conditions. There was a small window of opportunity to find what she was looking for...

Admittedly, the townwasquite beautiful.

She noted the breathtaking scenery of the mountains surrounding the town and the beautiful old buildings and structures as she walked quickly, dodging people on the sidewalk. Heat pooled on her lower back beneath her shirt as the bright midday sun beat down, and she was grateful for the cool breeze drifting in off the ocean. Her thick cargo pants weren’t the best choice for the temperature, but they were practical for her purpose, with pockets for her bear spray, utility knife, map, sunscreen and emergency hydration pack. Who knew what kind of terrain or wildlife she might encounter on this trip?

She entered Madden Heli-tours a few moments later, and the blast of air-conditioning was a welcome respite. The office was small but held an air of professionalism that boasted pride in ownership. Comfortable leather furniture was arranged in the tour meeting area and a large flat-screen played videos and testimonials from happy guests. She knew the business was family owned and operated. It was part of the reason she’d selected this particular company, hoping corporate policy was more a guideline rather than a rule.

Anna tied her long dark hair into a high ponytail, off her neck, as she waited behind a group of elderly people at the counter. A friendly woman behind the desk explained the tour packages to them and Anna took the time to scan their brochures. Sightseeing, heli-skiing in winter... Her gaze landed on the Treasure Lure tour. She picked up the brochure as the group at the counter moved aside to contemplate their adventure options.

“Can I help you?” the woman asked with a warm smile. She had to be in her late fifties, and she obviously took care of herself quite well. Her beautiful long hair was streaked with gray, but healthy and shiny looking. Her skin was flawless and her clothing was casual but expensive.

“Yes. Hi,” she said, stepping up to the counter. “I called last week about a private helicopter tour. Anna Armos.”

The woman nodded. “Welcome!”

“Thank you. I was held up by the parade. I hope that’s not a problem.” She’d been scheduled to arrive an hour ago and had anticipated heading out thirty minutes ago. She’d packed a few things for an overnight trip if necessary, but she didn’t plan on being in town long.

“We did have to give your reserved time slot to another group, I’m afraid.” The woman scanned the online booking system. “And we are fully booked this time of year...but let me see what I can do.” She typed a few keys and lifted her glasses hanging around her neck to peer at the screen. She frowned and pursed her lips as she scanned the schedules and bookings.

Anna held her breath as she waited.

“I have one available time slot later today with tour operator Mike...”

“Um, actually, I was hoping to fly with Dwayne,” Anna said quickly.

The woman looked surprised that she knew a member of their staff. “Oh...okay. Well, he’s not on regular shifts...”
