Page 43 of Mace

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“Anything else I can get for you?” he asked.

We both shook our heads.

He leaned against one of the ball racks and crossed his arms over his chest. “You new to town or just passing through?” he asked me.

I glanced at Imogen, and she shrugged. I’m sure Brad was taking it upon himself to get information on me and then would distribute that into the town gossip line.

“I guess new to town since I’m here for Imogen. I grew up with her in Sutter Creek and managed to track her down in Jackson,” I explained.

“We grew apart the past few years, but Mace decided it was finally time to find me.” Imogen winked and kicked my foot. “He needs my help with something, so I thought I would show him some of the town before we head to San Diego tomorrow.”

“Oh, yeah?” Brad asked. “I have some family in Sutter Creek. I don’t see them much, but they’re still family, ya know? Actually, I have a family reunion there this coming weekend. I probably won’t even know half the people there, but it’s family.”

Small world that Brad had family in Sutter Creek. I’m sure it was someone Imogen and I both knew. The population didn’t fluctuate much, and if it did, it was down, not up.

I pointed to the patch on my chest. “That’s why I decided to pick my family. And we keep it small.”

“Sixteen and counting is small?” Imogen laughed. “I’d say two or three is more my style.”

Brad studied the patch on my chest. “Yeah, I bet that is a good way to go. I’ll have to ask my family if they know you guys.” He knocked on the ball rack. “Well, I better get back to the bar. Just enter your names on the screen, and you guys are good to go.” Brad returned to the bar, and we both put on our shoes.

“He seems a little weird,” I commented.

Imogen shrugged. “He was probably just feeling you out. Jackson doesn’t get many hot bikers passing through.”

“You think I’m just passing through?”

Imogen smiled. “I don’t really know, Mace. I hope you’re not.”

I wasn’t. Sure, I appeared out of nowhere, but that didn’t mean I was going to disappear just as fast. “I’m here, babe.”

“As long as we can find those papers.” She sighed and threw her hands up in the air. “But I’m not going to think about that tonight. I’m shutting my brain off and just going to enjoy my greasy bar food and trying to bowl.”

I could respect that.

There was a chance that I could be going to prison for a long time, so I did need to take advantage of the time I had with Imogen. We might never have times like this again.

Imogen rolled her pants up to pull up her sock, and I was surprised by the bright ink on her skin. “Damn, babe. I did not expect for you to be inked.” I couldn’t make out what any of the tattoos were, but she definitely had some ink.

Imogen blushed and pulled her pant leg down.

“Wait, wait,” I called. “I’m going to need you to pull your pant leg up so I can see what you have going on there.”

“I’d have to take my pants off for you to see everything,” she laughed. She moved over to the racks of balls and put her hands on her hips. “What color ball do I want?”

I didn’t care what color ball she got; I was still stuck on her being so tatted up that she would have to take her pants off for me to see everything.

Imogen was full of surprises. “How many tattoos do you have?” I finished tying my shoes and stood. My feet would be killing me by the time we were done bowling. I would do better in my motorcycle boots than these stiff things.

“I lost count a couple of years ago,” she muttered. Her hands landed on a neon orange ball, and she put her fingers in the holes. “This one fits my fingertips and it literally weighs two ounces.”

“That’s because it’s a kid's ball meant for bumper bowling,” I laughed.

“Oh,” Imogen shrugged and put the ball back. “Maybe we need to have the bumpers up if either of us is going to hit any pins.”

“What are some of your tattoos?” I asked.

Imogen glanced at me over her shoulder. “You’re pretty interested in my tattoos, huh?”
