Page 45 of Mace

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That was all it took.

Her hands grabbed my vest, and she pulled me to her body.

Her need and reaction to me were hypnotic. I would give her whatever she wanted as long she never stopped kissing me.

“Babe,” I breathed out. I stepped back, and she followed me.

We both needed to remember where we were.

I would willingly take Imogen right here, right now, but I knew once the lustful haze lifted Imogen would be embarrassed. She lived here, and I’m sure she didn’t want to be known as the woman who had sex on lane one.

I, of course, would wear that badge proudly, though.

“What’s wrong?” she whispered. Her eyes drifted open, and her hands flattened against my chest.

“You did everything right, babe. I just think maybe we should pause this until we get back to your place.”

She blinked rapidly and glanced around. “Oh, god,” she whispered.

I pulled her to my chest for a quick hug. “Shh, you’re good, babe. We stopped before it got too hot.”

“I’m never going to be able to show my face at the bowling alley again,” she whispered. “Everyone saw that.”

I looked around, and there wasn’t a person in sight. “You’re the one who told me it’s Tuesday night, and this place is dead, Imogen. No one saw that except for the bowling pins and the jukebox.” And if anyone did see us and gives her shit about it, they would meet my fist.

The urge to protect Imogen was never going to go away. When she was nine, I protected her, and now when she was thirty, I would do the same.

“Maybe I should get back to entering our names on the screen,” she suggested.

“And I’ll try to keep my hands to myself.”

She stepped back and looked me up and down. “I hope you break that promise.”

Hot damn. Who would have thought that sweet, shy innocent Imogen was a sex pot just waiting for the right person to come along?

And that person was me.


Chapter Fourteen


My. God.

Every thought I ever had about Mace thinking I was like his little sister was blown out of the water with each kiss he pressed against my skin.

“We should try to get some sleep,” I sighed.

His lips trailed over the curve of my shoulder, and he pushed my bra strap to the side. “I’m not tired,” he insisted.

I wasn’t either, but I knew we were going to have hell to pay when the alarm went off at five-thirty. “Just one more kiss, and then we need to go to sleep.”

“I’m not leaving your side,” he mumbled against my skin.

“I’m no–.”

He shook his head, and his eyes connected with mine. “Just sleep, babe. I just want to sleep next to you.”
