Page 70 of Mace

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“Mace told Imogen to shit or get off the pot,” Monk hollered. “You think I can tell you that from now on? Especially when we’re trying to figure out where to eat?”

Mitzy rubbed her stomach and shielded her eyes from the setting sun. “Sure, you can say that, but I’ll probably tell you to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.” She hesitated and smiled. “Or stick it in the pot.”

“See,” Monk muttered. “I’m gonna have to keep the romance up until I die.”

“Meat is ready,” Rebel called. “Grab your buns and get some meat.”

“Think about what you just said, Rebel,” Mitzy laughed. “I don’t think any of us want some meat from you besides Prudence.”

“Yup,” Prudence called. She held up a bag of buns and twirled her other hand in the air. “Fill my buns, baby!”

“Oh, god,” Playboy gagged. “I’ll just have some chips.” He put his arm around Raelynn and pulled her to his side. “But I can fill your bun with some meat if you want, babe.”

Raelynn playfully swatted his shoulder. “Stop it.”

Imogen wandered over with Willem in her arms. “There’s uncle Mace,” she cooed.

I reached out, and Willem grabbed my finger. “What is up, little Tank?” I asked.

“Tank?” Imogen laughed. “Did you already give him a roadname?”

I shook my head. “Nah, that was his dad’s name.”

Imogen looked at Barracuda, completely confused.

“Something tells me you didn’t tell Imogen how Willem came to be.” Barracuda folded his arms over his chest. “Just give her the condensed version, for now, brother.”

“Tank was a member. He wound up dead, and so did Willem’s mom. Rayna and Willem showed up at the clubhouse out of nowhere, and now Barracuda is his dad, and Rayna is his mom,” Monk rattled off. “Though he’s going to know about Tank and his mom.”

Barracuda nodded. “That was pretty good. You should record that for me so I don’t have to explain it all the time.”

“I’ll get right on that after I tell Mitzy to shit or get off the pot.” Monk nodded to Imogen and wandered over to Mitzy, who had a plateful of food in her hands.

“I can take him from you if you want to get something to eat,” Barracuda offered.

He reached for Willem as a car careened into the parking lot and parked a few feet from us.

“What in the fuck?” Barracuda growled. He grabbed Willem from Imogen and turned, so his back was to the car.


“Brad?” Imogen gasped. “What on earth are you doing here?” she asked.

Brad jumped out of the car and stalked toward Imogen.

I moved in front of her and kept myself between her and Brad.

He held up a notebook and tried to walk past me.

“Hold up, bro. You’re not getting near Imogen until you tell me what the hell you are doing here,” I growled.

“Fine,” Brad retorted. “This has to do with the both of you.”

The club had gathered around Brad and me, and the women had moved to the side of the building. Rayna grabbed Willem from Barracuda and ran back to the rest of the girls.

“I’m not here to hurt anyone,” Brad called. “I’m here to give you this.”

I grabbed the notebook from him and paged through it.
