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Aristo turns his attention to Holden. “Are you going to tell him, or should I?”

Holden looks at his brother. “Finella and I divorced six months ago.”

Jameson pushes to his feet. “What? That’s not possible.”

“It’s possible,” Monique interjects. “Holden stepped down as CEO the day he filed for divorce. I’ve been the temporary CEO since.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jameson’s gaze volleys between his brother and Monique. “Why didn’t Grandmother tell me?”

“We’re telling you now,” Monique says gently. “As I said, Jameson, there’s a lot for you to learn, so take your seat and let’s get to it.”



I stare at my brother because what in the actual fuck?

He’s divorced? I didn’t see this coming.

Even though I hightailed it out of New York City the day after he proposed to Finella Levisay, I assumed their marriage would stand the test of time.

He’d been dating Finny on and off for years when our grandmother dropped a bombshell in our laps.

She gave us both an ultimatum. Holden stepped up and delivered what our grandmother wanted. I fell short, so I ran myself out of town.

“Your marriage is over?” I blurt out. “Why?”

Holden shoots me a look. It’s the same glare he directed my way countless times when we were kids, and I asked a question I had no right to.

I do have a right to understand what the fuck is going on now, though.

“Jameson,” Monique says my name with a note of irritation in her tone. “Quiet down.”

I settle back in my chair because I know I’ll get the answers I need in due time.

“Get on with it,” Monique directs that at Aristo. “Explain the trust to everyone. Why don’t you tell Holden about the house?”

Aristo nods in agreement. “Holden, you’re the new owner of the home in East Hampton.”

“I am?” Holden asks. “Grandmother left that to me?”

“She knows…knew how much you loved that place.” Aristo smiles. “Your summers there with her were some of the best, am I right?”

I remember that home. It’s straight out of a movie with its oceanfront access, winding driveway, and numerous bedrooms. It’s the dream of anyone who wishes they could spend lazy summer afternoons in one of the most spectacular places on earth.

“You’re right,” Holden agrees. “I’m touched.”

Aristo pulls a set of keys from his pocket and whistles. “Heads up.”

He tosses them at Holden, who catches them with ease. “These are the keys to the beach house?”

“You’re the rightful owner as of today,” Mr. Wismer chimes in. “Your grandmother had everything in place before her death. The home’s deed is in your name already.”

Holden looks my way. I know he wants to see if this stings me, but I won’t give him the satisfaction. I remain stoic, wanting nothing more than to get this over with so I never have to look at his smug face again.

Another set of keys appears in Aristo’s hand. They’re hanging from a red heart-shaped keychain. An identical set is pulled from the other pocket of his shorts. He sets them both down on the table. “We’ll get to these in just a moment.”

I sigh when he crosses his arms over his chest, anxious to hear what he has to say.

He glances at Monique. “Denia was adamant that within thirty days of her death, Monique be paid a sum of thirty million dollars.”

Monique lets out a low whistle. “She mentioned something in the ballpark of a cool ten million, but I’ll take it.”

Who the hell wouldn’t?

“The caveat to that, and Monique is well aware of this, is that she’ll be stepping down as interim CEO of Carden Confectionaries immediately,” Aristo explains.

“To go bar hopping around Europe,” Monique adds. “As Denia always said, you’re never too old for an adventure.”

“Agreed.” Aristo nods.

“As for you two.” Monique points at Holden before directing the same finger in my direction. “Listen carefully to what Aristo is about to say.”

“Very carefully,” Mr. Wismer adds.

I lean forward in my chair.

Aristo rests both hands on the conference table. “I’m quoting your grandmother here, gentlemen.”

Holden nods. I do the same.

Aristo clears his throat, so his voice can come out a pitch higher than it was before. “Upon my death, my two grandsons, Holden and Jameson Sheppard, will become co-CEOs of Carden Confectionaries.”

Holden is on his feet immediately. “That’s bullshit.”

I’d join him in proclaiming that, but I’m too stunned to move. The family legacy I thought I’d lost forever is suddenly within my grasp again.

“It’s your grandmother’s wish.” Aristo motions for Holden to sit back down. “Denia went into this knowing full well that you’ve been killing it in your position as COO of Carden since your divorce, Holden, but she wants you and your brother to build the company up to its full potential.”

“I’ll buy him out.” Holden points in my direction as he drops his ass onto the chair. “Name the price, and I’ll buy you out.”
