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“Should we discuss boundaries with touching?” he asked, eyebrow arched, dimple on his cheek looking like a crater because of his smile.

“I think we should touch, often, just to keep up appearances.”

He licked his lips, hand falling on mine. His warmth encased me as his fingers closed around me. Was he about to push me away? I might have crossed a line. I had to remember that Colton was on a different wavelength than me. He wasn’t ready to open himself up to a real relationship yet, and I had to respect that…

He moved my hand up, higher on his thigh. His eyes glittered with something else now, his lids narrowing, his lips shining in the light. “And when should these boundaries and rules kick in?”

“Tomorrow?” I said, moving closer, my eyes locked on Colton’s lips.

“Tomorrow it is.”

And before I knew it, we were kissing. Hard and wet and hungry.

It felt like being caught in a landslide. The primal power of the earth itself was pushing us together, making our bodies collide in a way that echoed a collision of stars, creating an entire universe of possibility and heat and want.

I encased his head in my hands as we kissed. My lungs filled with his breath, my tongue gliding over his in a way that felt familiar and new and oh so fucking right. He tasted like heaven, my body flooding with an intoxicating mix of endorphins and adrenaline. This wasn’t supposed to be happening—we were supposed to be keeping things off-limits. We needed to keep things clean between us.

But I didn’t want this kiss to ever stop. We could deal with the consequences of it later. For now, for tonight, for this midnight, all I wanted to do was sink into Colton, to lose myself like I’d done so many midnights before, boundaries and rules and history be fucking damned.



This was going against everything I’d mentally prepared for, and yet it felt like it was the only thing I’d ever really wanted. My defenses instantly crumbled when Eric’s lips reunited with mine. Sparks flew through the air as my breath hitched in my lungs. He had stolen it directly from me, leaving me gasping, yearning for more. Kissing him back might not have been the best idea considering my heartbroken state, but I couldn’t help it.

How could I ever turn Eric down? No, that was an impossible task.

So I kissed him back hard, sighing into his mouth as his hands grabbed my head. He steered our kiss, nipping at my top lip before probing me with his tongue, his taste exploding all across my mouth. Another moan escaped me, swallowed instantly by a scorching hot Eric, his hands moving down my back, sliding under my shirt.

“Is this okay?” he asked with big brown puppy-dog eyes.

Damn him. Damn him for caring, for even asking. It only made me want him more.

“It’s more than okay,” I said in between breaths as I smashed my lips back against his. It was my turn to take over some of the control. I moved my leg over his, climbing onto his lip. I was pleasantly surprised to feel what felt like an iron rod being smuggled inside Eric’s pants.

I ground my ass down on him, kissing him with a smile as he throbbed underneath me. Any reservations I had about tonight caught flames in that moment, burning to a crisp and leaving behind only ash. Being with Eric, alone in my living room, his hard cock pressing up against me, it threw me right back to when we were together, when the world felt so perfect and right. I’d been on top of the world whenever I was on top of Eric, and tonight was no different.

Eric broke from the kiss and moved down to my neck, sucking on the spot that always drove me absolutely feral. I dropped my head back and moaned, louder than intended, as heat rose up my chest, climbing up my neck, focusing on the spot where Eric grazed his teeth and licked his tongue. My thoughts quickly scrambled, as if my brain had been dropped onto a sizzling frying pan.

“Take this off,” I said, tugging at his shirt before I pulled mine over my head. I leaned back and watched as Eric took off his shirt, revealing the sexiest chest and stomach I’d ever fucking seen. He was covered in a soft dusting of dark hair, concentrated mostly around the center of his chest and trailing down over his belly, leading down to a tuft of hair sticking out from the waistband of his low jeans.

I rubbed him up and down, leaning in and kissing his ear, feeling his heartbeat just underneath my fingertips as I grazed over his pebbled nipples. I squeezed, earning a moan that made my cock ache to be sucked.
