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He takes my hand, holding it with surprising tenderness. I’m sure I can feel the power in him, but he’s restraining it.

“It’s not about the money. The truth is all that matters. We agree on that, don’t we?”

I squeeze his hand, struggling to understand what’s happening between us, but I can answer this at least.

“Yes, we do.”

“I won’t be able to use anything Wayne says if he signs an NDA, will I?”

“I doubt he’d agree to go on the record either way, but this will get you closer to the truth.”

He kisses me one last time, but then leans back, his body shuddering.

“I should go,” he says.

He nods. “It’s probably for the best. Before I get any savage ideas, but first… let’s exchange numbers.”

As I return to my car, I can feel his gaze on me. At the door, I turn and look at him…

I’m right. He’s consuming me with his stare as if he can’t look away.

I’m home before Mom, which is good because I don’t have to explain where I’ve been. I don’t want to lie to her. She’s the only family I’ve ever known, and she’s always been a great parent, supporting me, standing by me, and imparting her wisdom about men.

Mom sits heavily on the couch, letting her head fall back and closing her eyes. She stays like that for a time as if she’s waiting for the tension to drain.

I know the feeling. Ever since I left Jacob, I’ve been waiting for the taut feelings to seep away, expecting my mind to stop dragging me back to the kiss, reliving every moment. Every breath, the lust in his hand as he inched higher… Deep within, a feeling flurries, telling me I should’ve let him go all the way.

“Are you okay, Mom?” I ask after a pause.

“Just work.” She sighs. “I keep waiting for him to notice me.”

My veins freeze. My heart goes into tap dancing mode in my chest.

“Who?” I ask, though I know the answer.

She opens her eyes and looks at me. “Mr. Jennings. It’s not like I think I deserve a promotion or a raise, but sometimes, it’s as if I’m not even there. He looks right through me, and when he speaks, he’s dark and grumpy. I guess I should just get used to it.”

Please don’t let this happen. Please don’t let Mom want himlike that.

“It’s probably just his personality,” I say. “Maybe he’s only grumpy and withdrawn at work.”

“I can’t even imagine him smiling.”

There’s too much longing in Mom’s voice as if she hungers to see Jacob Jennings smile. If she could reach inside my memory, she’d find captivating vignettes of just that, Jacob smirking, and then his lips getting serious as he leans in. I can still taste him.

“Is this just about work?” I ask quietly.

I have to know. If it isn’t, I’ll back off… or try to. No more kissing. Nothing else, either.

“What else would it be about?” Mom says, then scoffs. “You think I want him? I learned my lesson, Maddie. Men will take, take, take. How many times have I told you that?”

“Maybe a thousand,” I murmur.

“I’m not attracted to him. That’s for sure,” she says, standing. “I need a shower.”

I’m not convinced as she storms from the room. She’s acting exactly how somebody would if theydidwant him.

