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"You're beautiful to me and always will be." This time Gage's expression was confused more than embarrassed, but he didn't comment. Deacon turned his attention to Dr. Evens but kept his hand on Gage's shoulder, needing the contact with his beloved more and more as their connection started to take root.

"Gage has severe bruising on his front torso and face. There are lacerations on his hands and face which I have treated. No sign of internal injuries or broken bones." Dr. Evens rattled off his findings. "Given the situation, he will start to heal faster now that he is with you." Deacon raised his hand to stop him from saying more, given that he had not yet told Gage they were beloveds.

Dr. Evens understood immediately and shifted the conversation to Gage and instructed him in how to change the bandages, and gave him the ointment for his lip and his eye. "You'll heal, but there may be some scaring on your lip. We'll have to wait and see. The previous stitches were functional but somewhat sloppy."

"Able did his best." Gage offered, and Deacon was confused by the support for Able when the man had quite literally thrown him out to fend for himself at the time; he needed help the most.

“He should have taken you to the hospital.” Dr. Evens stated firmly in a tone that gave away his attitude toward Able.

"Able doesn't do hospitals or the cops or the Coven. He's afraid they'll interfere with his business." Gage took Able for who he was and didn't expect any more. Deacon was slowly discovering that his beloved was a good man.

“Able not your concern any longer. Leave that man behind and begin your life anew.” Deacon told him.


Gage was at a loss to fathom why Deacon Haas, a man he’d never met before, was coming to his rescue in such an overprotective manner. The kisses were a complete shock, although they felt marvelous, and Gage was not ashamed to say he wanted more. Deacon had brought the doctor to check him over and had taken him to this beautiful cabin in the woods to apparently recover, and Gage had no explanation for it.

Vampires don't normally associate closely with the human residents of Mt. Pleasant, keeping to their own and other paranormal beings. There were several human beloveds, but that was a different story. Those people were special, and the vampire treated their beloved like a king or queen. Those humans had a life that was to be coveted. Their wants and needs were always met, and they were owed a love that was faithful forever. Gage held Deacon's hand for the comfort it afforded him.

Once the doctor finished, the pain eased, and oddly enough, whenever Deacon touched him, the warmth of that touch seemed to seep into his bones, making his body relax and the trauma ease. It was probably psychosomatic, but either way, it helped.

"I'll show you out." Deacon walked Dr. Evens out, leaving the door open. He returned a few minutes later and closed the door behind him. He went to the kitchen, got a bottle of water with a straw, and set it on the side table within Gage's reach.

“Are you hungry? Would you like me to prepare something?” He asked.

"No, not hungry, and thanks for the water." Gage watched him walk over to the chair opposite the couch and sit down. He kept his eyes on Gage, holding him in a dark, contemplative stare. Gage took a tentative sip of his water and waited to find out why he was there and why this man cared.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Deacon Haas, vampire.”

"Is that all that I am?" That question threw him for a second, but then it dawned on him, and he thought he knew what Deacon was getting at.

"You're here to make sure I understand the consequences of breaking coven law. You're a leader; you have a title; I can tell by your suit and demeanor. I understand very clearly and will never trespass on coven grounds again; you have my promise." Gage touched his lip when he finished his statement.

Deacon leaned forward in his chair, placing his forearms on his thighs and lacing his fingers together in a firm grasp. His eyes took on a quality that was both frustrated and saddened. Gage squirmed in his seat, feeling the scrutiny of this man weighing down on him.

"When we were in the car, you asked me why I cared." Deacon started, and Gage nodded, eager to discover the reason behind all the concern.

"You were found by one of my security teams, and I was notified that it was the third time that you'd been apprehended on Coven property." Deacon broke eye contact and shifted his gaze to the side. "We had several serious breaches of that border in the past and have worked tirelessly to keep it secure. When I received that call, my anger at the blatant deliberateness of the breach reached a peak, and I ordered the offender to be dealt with in a manner that would leave an impression."

"It was you that Lieutenant McKay was speaking to?' Gage decided to comment, remembering the call and the look on McKay's face. That was the moment he knew he was in deep shit, and he wasn't getting away with just a firm talking to like the other times he'd ignored the border.

"It was me who put you in the hands of Trenton Shift." Deacon clarified, and Gage stiffened at the memory of being handed over to that cold bastard and being taken away. He didn't know what to say to that Deacon sounded unsettled by his actions, but as far as Gage could see, he was just doing his job.

"That was the third time I crossed your border. I wasn't intentionally trying to break your laws; I was following a badger, and I think his den is on coven property. I deserved a harsher punishment because, like I said, it was the third time." He noticed a glint of humor touch Deacon's countenance at the mention of the badger.

“Why were you following a badger?”

"I wanted a good picture, and that night with the moon full and the mist that was covering the ground, it made a perfect mood for a night picture. I wasn't paying attention like the other two times and followed the badger." Gage wasn't sure why he felt the need to make this man feel better, but it bothered him that Deacon was taking responsibility for his own bad behavior. Actions have consequences, and that's just the way of the world.

“Did you get the picture?”

"Yes, but Trenton destroyed my camera and my phone and made me watch while he did it. That was more painful than the beating he gave me afterward." Gage reached over and picked up his water, needing to do something to take his mind off the loss of his things. The camera and its SD card were ground into the cement floor of that horrible building. Trenton took pleasure in watching the misery in Gage's expression, and the memory still broke his heart.

“Is wildlife photography a hobby of yours?” Deacon brought him back to the action and away from the loss.

"I wanted to participate in the photo competition at the State Fair this year. The grand prize is five thousand dollars, and the exposure for anyone who manages to place is extensive. I thought it would help me get more recognition and bookings."
