Page 42 of Noctis

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“I really wish you wouldn’t do that,” he replied, a hint of mirth in his voice. “You’re always ready to leave me when you start overthinking shit.”

“At least, I can control the visions now,” I teased back.

“There is that,” he smirked.

As soon as Kalon and I had returned to the cabin, we’d read my mother’s diary from front to back. I hadn’t worried about violating her privacy because her diary had affected Kalon just as much as it had me. Besides, I’d needed his life’s experience to make sense of the things that I’d had no idea about. We’d read the diary three times before we had begun to pick it apart, and though we had learned a lot, one thing had been absolutely clear about my mother’s diary; she’d written it to help me. There’d been pages and pages of how to control and decipher my visions. There’d been countless pages of what I could do to manage the impact of the visions on my life. There’d also been pages on how to read the signs around me. Again, I was still adjusting to my new life, but it was manageable now.

“Maybe I need to quit my job and find something that matches your hours,” I suggested.

Kalon sounded cocky as hell. “Is that your way of saying that you miss me when I’m not around?”

Choosing honesty, I said, “Yes.”

Kalon turned me around in his arms. “So, quit your job and come work with me.”

I arched a brow. “I am not going to go work for you, Kalon. I like to pay my own way.”

“I didn’t say that you should come workforme, Mora,” he pointed out. “I said that you should come workwithme.”

“They’re still your clubs and your restaurant,” I retorted. “That would be workingforyou.”

“You’re my wife,” he reminded me. “Those clubs and that restaurant belong to you, too.”

“Can we fight about this another day?” I drawled out. “I’m actually in a good mood today.”

Kalon leaned down and nuzzled my neck. “How about you bring me dinner later, so that I can fuck you in my office at Celestial?” Kalon divided his time in between his clubs, and this week, he was checking in on Celestial.

“I would love to be your dinner,” I said honestly, and now that Kalon was no longer worried about feasting from me, he did it often. Our feeding also strengthened our bond to the point that we no longer doubted our love for one another.

“One day, you’re going to tell me that you’re happy and it’s going to be everything, baby.”

“And it’ll be all because of you,” I replied, already happier than I ever thought possible.

The End.
