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In this excerpt, Jack Straithmore soothes his son's distraught girlfriend, Dakota.

“Would you like a glass of water?” I offer in a kind tone, shifting my thighs to get more comfortable.

The teenage girl shakes her head no and uses the corner of the blanket to wipe tears from her face. When Dakota looks up, I hate the sadness I see reflected in her eyes, and I want to know who put it there so I can rip them a new one.

“I caught them in bed together," she whispers.

Her voice is so quiet I almost don’t hear, so I lean over a little closer. “Who did you catch, Dakota? Who is them?”

Her eyes meet mine and start to fill with tears again. “Eddie, and my – mymom!” She rubs the back of her hand over her eyes to wipe them again. “I walked in on them having sex in my mom’s bed. Can you believe it? Your son and my mother?”

I can barely process this information at first. Really? I know my son has the libido of a teenage boy, but what the hell is wrong with him? I’ve seen Denise Stanton around town a few times, and she’s even come onto me once or twice. She’s attractive enough, but in a hard-baked, middle-aged way. Why the hell would my son want Denise, when he already has her daughter?

Then again, I’m not delusional about the kind of person my son is. It isn’t lost on me that Eddie won’t be winning any humanitarian awards for his empathy towards others. Nor would I put cheating on a girlfriend past him either because Eddie’s got one seriously inflated ego, and a need to have it stroked by anything with legs. But this? Cheating with his girlfriend’s mom and being dumb enough to do it in their house? Well, I guess he’s a bigger idiot than I realized.

I stand up and take the seat next to Dakota.

“Honey, I’m truly sorry about my son. He’s an idiot to cheat on someone as wonderful as you. He doesn’t know what he has, and he’s a fucking douche for doing it with your mom too. But I wouldn’t take it to heart. Teenage boys are ruled by their hormones, and my son is no exception.”

I put my hand on her knee in comfort, and Dakota’s eyes drop to where we touch. I start to pull my hand back, but then she puts her small palm over mine and holds it there.

“After I caught them, I felt terrible,” she says in a low voice. “I started driving around and didn’t even realize I was heading over here until I pulled in your driveway. Then it really hit me.”

She pauses, and I pull my hand from beneath hers and tilt her chin up so she’s looking at me. “I know, sweetheart. The enormity of the situation must have hit you like a ton of bricks. I don’t blame you for wanting to kill that idiot. I’d kill him myself if I could.”

But she shakes her head slowly.

“No, that didn’t hit me. Something else.”

I look into her eyes.

“What is it then?”

She takes a deep breath and looks fully into my gaze.

“That I should sleep withyou, Mr. Straithmore. It hit me that that’s what will make me feel better about all of this.”

I almost swallow my tongue, and I swear my cock jerks at the idea, but there’s no way I can let this happen. I pull my hand back and give her a stern look.

“Dakota, you’re upset. You’re saying things you don’t mean. Just give yourself twenty four hours, and you’ll feel better. What Eddie did is fucking awful, but I promise, this too shall pass.”

Of course, I feel like such an old man for saying these things, but she merely shakes her head.

“No,” Dakota says. “I’ve been thinking about it, and it’s the perfect revenge. Eddie slept with my mom, so I should sleep with you, his father. Besides, I want to. I’ve been attracted to you for a long time, Mr. Straithmore. Ever since Eddie and I started dating, actually.”

Now, I sit back in the couch and will my body to behave. My cock is so hard right now I’m surprised it’s not popping out of my jeans. But I can’t. Not only is she my son’s girlfriend, but she’s got to be twenty years younger than me, and right now she’s just acting out because she’s been hurt.

“Dakota, we can’t do that. You know that. Besides, it won’t make anything better because revenge doesn’t usually work that way. If anything, sleeping with me will just make you feel worse.”

The tears I’ve been watching build up in her beautiful, brown eyes finally win, and they start rolling down her cheeks. For a moment, I think I’ve gotten through to her. She stands up, but before I realize her plan, she scrambles across space between us and nearly jumps in my lap, with her knees planted on either side of my thighs.

“Dakota,” I say, but she cuts me off with a kiss.

I’m totally still at first, but then I give in, sweeping my mouth across hers. She’s sweet and pliable, and her lips open beneath mine, giving me entrance. I groan into her mouth while her tongue traces along my bottom lip. Before I realize what I’m doing, I have her face cupped between my palms, and I’m kissing her thoroughly, exploring her mouth like a man taking what he wants, and god, but she tastes amazing.

I pump my hips up, and she gasps a bit when my erection presses against the softness of her pussy through our clothes. I reach one hand down between our bodies, and oh god, but her panties are already wet. Like a madman, I push the blanket off her shoulders and nip at her skin, then I run the tip of my tongue up the side of her neck until I reach her jaw, and place a kiss there too.

“Sweetheart, we can’t,” I rasp. “I want to, but we can’t. You won’t enjoy it.”

But clearly, Dakota disagrees because she grips my shoulders and rocks against me, rubbing her wetness against the stiff shaft bulging in my pants. Sparks flare before my eyes, and my entire body goes rigid, ready to be inside her now.

“Mr. Straithmore,” she whispers breathily, her breasts bouncing while still rubbing up and down. “Idowant it. I will enjoy it. Please, Jack. Make me feel good.”

Hearing my name on her lips does it, and I grip her waist before standing. Dakota wraps her legs around my hips, as I slip my hands beneath her luscious bottom. She brings her lips to my ear, and I can feel the small kiss she places there. “I'll make this worth your while, Mr. Straithmore," she whispers in my ear. "I promise."

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