Page 101 of Love Me Always

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“Sorry, I’m just so excited!” I could see it written all over her face and honestly, it was needed right now.

“You never have to apologise for feeling excited, I’d be worried if you weren’t.” I accepted the glass of champagne from my grandmother who was halfway through her own.

“Isn’t it a little early?” My fingers brushed the stem as I clutched it tightly.

“It’s never too early on your wedding day, flower!”

“Your grandmother is right, knock it back and come and get your hair done.” Tay smirked.

“As tempting as that sounds, I would rather have a clear head walking down the aisle, I’m nervous enough as it is.”

“All the more reason to knock it back!” This girl didn’t know the meaning of giving up, but I stuck to my guns and placed the glass down on the side where it belonged.

An hour and a half later, my hair and make-up were done. I had worn my hair down in tumbling waves. Lorenzo loved my hair down as he had made clear on the many times we’d laid in bed while he ran his fingers through it, everyone said an updo would have been better but as usual I didn’t listen, I stuck with what I wanted. We decided to tuck one side behind my ear and after taking my time to choose, we secured it with a dainty jewelled pin which matched my dress perfectly. My make-up was the borderline fully glam, but we kept it a slightly natural with the tones used. Once Emma, the make-up artist, had painted my lips the perfect shade of nude, I turned to see everyone’s reaction.

“Holy shit! I would!” Tay teased as she winked at me. Emma giggled beside me instantly.

“My son is one lucky man.” Carmella appeared at the doorway, looking like a complete knockout. Her floor-length navy gown hugged her perfectly as her hair was neatly swept up into a bun at her nape.

“Carmella, you look stunning,” I managed to say as I was too in awe to say anything else.

“Thank you. I have never seen a more beautiful woman in all my life.” She gushed as she fought hard to keep the tears at bay.

“How’s Lorenzo?” I asked, I already knew but I needed to hear it again.

“Sweetheart, he is absolutely fine. He is with Franco and the guys who also look very dapper in their suits.” She smiled as she pulled me into a hug. “I think hearing from you this morning calmed him down rapidly, he was beginning to lose his cool a little.” She giggled as did I as I knew what he was like when he lost it.

“Right, shall we get you into your dress?” my mother asked as she clapped her hands together to get everyone’s attention.

“Please, I don’t want to be late.” I smiled as I rose from the chair.

“A bride is allowed to be late,” Loreta pointed out.

“Just because you were nearly an hour late, that doesn’t mean I need to be.” I laughed as did she.

“That’s true! Now, go and get that dress on!” She blew me a kiss from where she sat as I followed my mother out of the dressing room and up the stairs to where my dress awaited.

I shimmied into my dress before my mother carefully pulled up the zip.

“Take deep breaths, baby, in and out.” Nervously, I mimicked her movements and, thankfully, it helped more than I expected. “That’s it, just like that.” She smiled sweetly as she held my hands in hers.

“Do you want to get changed? We need to leave shortly.”

“That would be a good idea.” She giggled.

As she hurried over to my walk-in to get into her dress, I stood to admire myself in my floor-length mirror on the opposite side of the room, and for the one of the first times in my life, I felt truly beautiful.

“I’m ready.” I spun around to the sound of my mother’s voice, and my jaw dropped.

“You look… you…” I was at a loss for words. She wore a floor-length scarlet dress that fit her as well as mine did, it was pure lace from the sweetheart neckline to the scalloped trim. This was the woman I looked up to, the woman who I always wanted to look like the older I got. “Mama, you look amazing.” My hands flew up to my cheeks with happiness.

“Thank you, baby, shall we go?” She held out her hand for me.

“What about my bouquet?” I panicked.

“Your father has it already, he’s waiting for you downstairs. We will all meet you both there, stop panicking.”

“You’re right. I shouldn’t feel this nervous, right?”
