Page 104 of Love Me Always

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“The rings, please.” Gino handed me the ring I had picked for Ana, as Robin handed Ana mine.

“Lorenzo and Anastacia have chosen rings to exchange with one another as a symbol of their undying love. Lorenzo, as you place this ring on Anastacia’s finger, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed and pledge my love now and forever.”

I took Anastacia’s hand in mine and placed the diamond encrusted band at her fingertip.

“With this ring, I thee wed and I pledge my love to you indefinitely.” Of course, I put my own spin on it. I slid the ring over her knuckle and down her delicate finger as she admired the ring I’d chosen for her.

“Anastacia, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed and pledge my love now and forever.”

Anastacia went through the same motion as I did, her angelic voice spoke as clear as day, she slid the black band down my finger, and I had to admit it looked fucking perfect.

“By the authority vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Lorenzo, you may kiss your bride.”

“It’s about fucking time.” I cupped her face as I immediately claimed her lips. I didn’t care who stared at us; I lost sight of everything the moment I kissed her. Everything about us was in sync, from the ways our tongues danced with one another to the way our hearts beat in the exact same rhythm. The guests erupted in cheers as I pulled Anastacia into my embrace, eliminating any space between us. Today, I vowed to not have a single inch of space between us ever again.

* * *

“Please welcome Mr. & Mrs. Ricci as they take to the dancefloor for their first dance,” the band our mothers had hired announced as we rose from the top table.

All eyes were on us once again, but the only ones I saw were hers as I placed my hand on the small of her back while the other held hers gently. I spun her around the room to the sounds of the band who played the one song I knew Anastacia wanted.

“I love you, wife.” I smiled as she rested her cheek on my chest, the subtle floral scent filling my senses automatically.

“And I love you too, husband.” I kissed the top of her head as I felt her smile against my lapel.

“So, how was the wedding you never wanted?” I teased.

“It became a wedding I never knew I needed.” She looked up at me, and I knew she was my happy place, my home.

I often dwelled on the past, thought I could have been kinder, softer, nicer towards Ana, but after speaking with a special lady in her life, it made me realise there was no point beating myself up about it. She said all great marriages must start somewhere and ours was just a little rocky and unexpected but with the love we shared we could get through anything, and she was right.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked.

“Nothing, I’m just looking forward to the future.” I didn’t need to explain every mere thought I had in mind.

“Me too.”

The song finished sooner than either of us thought. I lost her to her father who she also shared a dance with. I still had one more surprise for her and the moment this song finished, I’d be whisking her outside to tell her everything, well, almost everything.

“If the wind changes, your face will remain that way.” As I looked away from Anastacia, I came face to face with my parents. “Not that I’d complain since it’s a smile,” she teased as my father wrapped his arm around her.

“You and Florence pulled together a magnificent wedding, Ma.”

“Well, your money helped,” she joked as my father laughed alongside her.

“It was worth every cent to see her smile like that.” I shrugged off my jacket and placed it on the chair beside me.

“I’m incredibly proud of you, Lorenzo. I told you Ana would be good for you, didn’t I? As you said in your vows you were just too stubborn to admit it, too damn proud.” I rolled my eyes as my father continued. “Once you’re back from your honeymoon, we will get everything moving for you to become Don.” He held out his hand for me, and after breathing a heavy sigh, I shook it.

The moment I had worked for, the moment I had dreamed of, was finally happening and Ana would be the one I would share my happiness with.

“Thank you, Pa.” He pulled me into an embrace which was rare, but I guess I proved myself to him.

“Ah, here’s our gorgeous daughter-in-law.” My mother gushed as Victor led her over to us.

“My gorgeous wife.” I craned my neck and pecked on her lips as she placed her hand on my chest, something she seemed to do a lot lately. “I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise?” Her face lit up.
