Page 106 of Love Me Always

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“Five more minutes,” she mumbled as she pulled the blanket over her head.

“Anastacia Ricci, wake that gorgeous ass up. The biggest surprise is yet to come.” I stripped off the blanket from her body as she curled up into a fetal position.

“You’re so mean to your wife.” She opened her eyes slowly which was accompanied by a scowl.

“Maybe once but not anymore. I’ve learned my lesson.” I scooped her up as I pulled her onto my lap, her head nuzzled into my neck as she hugged her knees to her chest. “Wakey wakey.” I laughed as I tickled her in hopes it would wake her up fully.

“Carry on tickling me like that and you’ll lose those fingers, Ricci!” she warned. “And correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that your shooting hand.” She smirked as she finally returned my gaze with those mischievous eyes.

“Point made.”

“I thought it would be.” She slid off my lap.

“So, are you going to tell me where we’re going yet?” She folded her arms across her chest which only pushed her breasts up more.

“We’re in Sicily.” I smiled as I knew I‘d had some fantastic times there while growing up, and I wanted to show Ana a part of me nobody else saw—one nobody else knew.

“Are you kidding?!” Her hands flew up to her cheeks in delight, the sound of her palms slapping her skin echoed the bedroom, but she didn’t seem to care, she was too happy. “I’ve never been to Sicily.” She practically bounced on the spot, watching her like this turned me into a damn puddle.


“Happy?! I’m over the moon!” She jumped back on the bed and threw herself onto me, almost knocking the wind out of me.

“I can see that! I’m having a little trouble breathing.” I was only joking, but she scrambled off me so fast I barely had time to catch her.

“Okay! Get up. We need to get everything together!” She bounded around the room as she shoved her feet in those beat-up sneakers she loved so much. Her messy bun was lopsided, and her face was now make-up free. “Stop looking at me like that. I’m a mess!” Even when she claimed she was a mess, she clearly had no idea at just how breathtaking she was.

“Anastacia Ricci, you could never be a mess.” I stalked over to where she stood, and props to her for trying to dodge my hold. “You’re the most heart stopping, jaw-dropping, breathtakingly beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

“You say that now, but just wait until we have children…”

“I’m going to stop you right there, because when you’re carrying our children, you’ll be absolutely stunning, and that bump will be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, and I plan to take good care of you when the day comes.”

“You won’t let me do anything, will you?” She huffed.

“Not a chance in hell.” I scooped her into my arms as she wrapped her legs around my waist, crossing her ankles behind my back.

“Lorenzo…” she protested.

“I don’t want to hear it. You’ll let me take care of you for once like you seem to always do with me.”

“When have I ever taken care of you?” She arched her brow as she awaited my response.

“Well, other than sexually…” I winked. “You bandaged my hand when I used the wall as a punch bag, you tried your best the night I came home drunk…”

“Oh, the night I slapped you?” She smirked and if that wasn’t the sexiest smirk known to man, I didn’t know what was.

“I deserved it. I goaded you, and to be honest, I wanted to fuck you right then and there for the attitude you showered me with.”

“I would have probably fed you your own dick if you tried.”

“Then it would have denied you one of your many pleasures,” I whispered against her ear.

“I’m sure I could have found another way to please myself.”

“Those days for you are long gone,amore.” I kissed her with everything I had as she pressed herself against my hardening dick that was now pitching a fucking tent in my sweats.

“This is your captain speaking, please take your seats as we will soon be landing.”What a fucking cockblock.
