Page 108 of Love Me Always

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“It’s so peaceful and perfect.” His hands snaked around my waist as he rested his head on my bare shoulder. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

“We can come here anytime you want,amore,” he whispered before he pressed a gentle kiss beneath my earlobe.

“That would be heaven, but I guess it depends on if it’s available the time we want to come.” I smiled as I toyed with his wedding band that sat beautifully on his finger.

“I’m pretty sure it’s available all year round.” I could feel the warmth of his smile as he finished his sentence.

“That sounds like a guy who’s pretty sure.”

“Of course I am, since it’s ours.” He spun me around in his arms with a heart-stopping grin on his face as if he didn’t just spring some news on me.

“What do you mean?” My face must have looked like a picture of confusion right now because I couldn’t work out if it was in the family already or if he’d just brought it, and judging by his happiness, it’s the latter.

“This is my wedding present to you,amore, it’s our own private getaway whenever we want it.”

“Lorenzo, it’s gorgeous, but it’s too much.” I wasn’t one to need nor want to be showered with gifts, as long as I had his love that was enough.

“Nothing is ever too much for you and I won’t hear anything different.” I rested my head on his chest as I felt his heart beating against my forehead. “Can a husband not buy his wife gifts?”

“Of course you can, but you already gifted me this stunning necklace, a year-round rose garden, and now this. I just need you, I don’t need gifts.” I smiled as his lips met mine unexpectedly.

“You’re incredible, do you know that?”

“You may have told me once or twice before.” I giggled as my gaze met his. The butterflies swarmed my stomach as my heart quickened with each passing second.

“I buy you things because I can and because I want to, but the way you react makes it all the sweeter because I know you don’t expect it and that warms this cold heart of mine.” He placed my hand over his heart and covered it with his.

“As long as I have your love, I don’t need much else.”

“You already have it. Unconditionally.”

He wrapped his arms around me and we stood in silence for a moment, the only sound was the birds tweeting as they darted between the trees and the fence. It was tranquil here and nothing and no one could rip this happiness away from me.

“How about that breakfast?” I asked as my fingers caressed his back beneath his t-shirt.

“I may need an assistant; I’m shit in the kitchen,” he joked as he effortlessly lifted me into his arms, my legs latched around his waist as our faces were now at the perfect level.

“You cooked for me the other night,” I queried.

“You know I had help, stop being smart.”

“If you need an assistant, then I’m your woman,” I whispered against his now parted lips; my fingers brushed against the stubble that graced his jaw whilst my thumb traced his raised scar.

“Oh, that you are.” He pecked my lips repeatedly as he carried me back inside towards the kitchen.

The rest of the morning was spent laughing and joking whilst preparing breakfast with one another. Although I was supposed to be the assistant, it ended up the other way around… no, scratch that, Lorenzo just sat at the island watching me as I prepared and plated up our food.

“Thank you so much for your help. I don’t know what I would have done without it,” I joked, rolling my eyes in the process.

“You’re most welcome, love.” He rose from his stool and rounded the island.

“Lorenzo, you better sit your ass back down after I’ve stood here making this breakfast for you.” I placed the plates on the side as I slowly backed towards the other corner.

“Where are you going?” His lips twisted up into a subtle smile as two of his strides now matched my one.

I chose not to respond as I raced around the opposite side of the island towards the doorway; I was quick, but he was a touch quicker. As my back slammed with his rock-hard chest, his hands seized my waist.

“Amore, you can’t run from me. I’ll burn the fucking world to catch you.” His fingers toyed with the waistband of my sweats. “Are you wet for me, love?”
