Page 110 of Love Me Always

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Those were the last words he spoke before I coated his cock with my cum and he filled me with his.

* * *

After we enjoyed our post-sex breakfast, we finally arrived at the beach which wasn’t easy since I had to find a bikini that covered Lorenzo’s faint handprints that still decorated my ass. In the end, I had to choose a sheer sarong that just about hid them.Thanks for that one, dear husband.

I settled back on the lounger, and after Lorenzo debated for a good thirty minutes about going to the beach bar or staying with me, the beach bar finally won. I had opted for something non-alcoholic for this time of the morning but the same couldn’t be said for my relaxed husband and that’s what he was since the moment we stepped on that plane…relaxed.

“What’s a beautiful lady like you doing sitting alone?” A voice spoke from beside me. I didn’t have to turn my head, I knew it wasn’t Lorenzo. Beach boy’s voice could have shattered glass with the way his speedos almost cut off his circulation.

“My husband will be back in a moment.” I didn’t even warrant his cheesy pick-up line with a smile, let alone a look.

“That’s what they all say,” he joked, and although he’d only spoken a few words, I could tell he was English, as he had a thick accent.

“Listen, with all due respect, my husband will be back in a moment, and he won’t take too kindly to you chatting to his wife whilst your ass is sat on his lounger.” I turned my head briefly to be met by a guy who couldn’t have been older than twenty-five. His bleach-blonde curls were styled messily on top of his head while the sides were shaved so short you could basically see his scalp. His eyes were the colour of the sand as he admired himself in my shades.

“I bet you use that line to scare the men away, don’t you?” He leaned into me as his overpowering aftershave hit my nostrils, as his arms rested on his thighs.

“Trust me, I don’t use my words to scare men away. Now, run the fuck along and leave me alone.” I continued to type out a message to my mother in hopes he would get the hint.

“Feisty, I like it.” I saw him turn his head to where a group of guys sat, obviously his friends.

“Look, I’m beginning to lose my patience, and you should think yourself lucky since the only person I tend to have patience with is my husband.” Despite his eyes falling to my ring finger and seeing the rock that weighed it down, he still didn’t seem to believe me.What else does this dickhead need?

“So, tonight, me and the guys are heading out for a few drinks, why don’t you join us? We can show you a good time.” He winked, and I had to swallow the bile that rose in my throat.

“I’ll pass.”

“Fucking hell, come on. What are you, some kind of ice queen?” He snorted.

“Only to pricks who don’t get the message,” I snapped as I slammed my phone down onto the lounger.

“You fucking—” Suddenly, the guy was no longer illuminated by the sun but a looming grey shadow with an angry expression.

“I dare you to finish that fucking sentence, boy,” Lorenzo snapped but still remained calm.

“And what are you going to do about it?” He was brave, I’ll give him that, but that was short-lived the moment he stood and turned around.

“How about I put a bullet in that head of yours, turn your hair scarlet fucking red.” Lorenzo placed the drinks calmly on the table, but I knew deep down, he wanted to take this guy’s head off his shoulders.

“Mate, she wanted me to talk to her. I tried to leave but she practically begged.” And that was when Lorenzo snapped, and it was a pleasure to watch.

I sipped my drink and watched my husband in action as he gripped the guy’s neck, ready to snap. His eyes bulged, as Lorenzo lifted him off the floor slightly so only his toes skimmed the sand.

“Firstly, I’m not your mate, and secondly, one thing I think you need to know is that woman begs nobody except her husband when she wants to come. Now, be a good little boy and fuck off and the next time you want to make up a load of shit, know who you’re spewing it to.” He threw him on the sand as his friends looked on, some in shock, some about to piss themselves laughing while I soaked my bikini bottoms from the display Lorenzo just put on.

Lorenzo turned his back briefly to check the harassing guy had left, but he was still coughing and spluttering into the sand.

“Man the fuck up. If my wife can handle my hand around her neck, I’m pretty sure a full-grown man can.” I almost choked on my drink at his anything but romantic mouth.

After that sentence, the boy only just about got up and scurried off to his friends. His hand massaged his neck as he finally left us alone. Luckily, the onlookers weren’t bothered about what was going since Lorenzo was well-known as the Don’s son and next in line.

“That ring obviously isn’t enough to show people you’re taken.” He relaxed beside me in the lounger as he spun my ring around on my finger.

“Just tattoo your name on my body and be done with it,” I teased as I stuck my tongue out playfully which earned me a sexy chuckle.

“I might just do that; it may even be one of your best ideas.” He took a swig of his beer as he glanced over to where the irritating guy now sat being laughed and joked at by his so-called mates.

“Make you feel good, does it?”
