Page 122 of Love Me Always

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“Re-really?” His tensed body relaxed the moment Victor removed his fingers from his gaping wound.

“No, not really, you deluded fuck.” Victor reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his knife. “I’m about to show you what it really means to fuck with a Fedorov, a Ricci, and all in-between.”

“Wait… I didn’t know it was a Ricci and Fedorov in that car!”

“It was two fucking Riccis!” I screamed, the anger building with each passing second.

“It shouldn’t matter who was in the car. You made a grave mistake accepting their money.” Victor spoke calmly as he pressed his blade to his lips contemplating his next move.

“I needed it! I didn’t care where I got it!” he screamed, his voice hoarse from his previous screeching.

Victor sliced his blade through the air as he opened our little mate’s shirt in one swift movement.

“Red, hold him down.” Red rounded him instantly, and despite being tied, I knew what Victor had planned would need extra restraint.

“Please… I’m begging you. I’ll help you find her.”

“Cute, but no thanks.” Victor smiled.

Victor ran the tip of his blade across the bare skin of his torso that was speckled with sparse hair. He tormented him with each gentle push of blade before slowly and painfully pressing the tip into his skin as he took his time to carve his initials in his chest. Blood poured and splattered from the perfectly cutV,soon followed by theF.I admired his handiwork, his precision was remarkable.

Blood-curdling screams filled the small room of our warehouse as his acid-wash jeans turned the perfect shade of red. Red whispered something quietly in the sorry excuses ear. I had no clue what was being said, and quite frankly, I didn’t give a shit; all I knew was that our toy was finding it hard to breathe. Tears streamed down his bruised cheeks, and all I wanted to do was end his life, but I knew how I could fill him with hope before I ripped it all away within a split second.

“Please, let me go,” he begged as he coughed up a considerable amount of blood, which missed Victor’s freshly polished boots by less than a centimetre.

“Get fucked,” Victor growled as he rammed his fist into the initials he’d freshly carved.

“Now, now, Victor, let’s be hospitable. It’s clear he knows nothing, we should let him go.” I smiled as Victor gawked at me. “But first, Red, you know what to do.” Red wore a joker like smile as he clutched his knife between his fingers.

“Boss.” He nodded and crouched behind the chair. In two precise cuts, he opened the Achilles of the man who looked about ready to pass out. Victor scoffed beside me, and it had finally dawned on him what a fucked-up mind his son-in-law had.

I held out my hand to Emmet who placed a steel bat flat in the palm. Victor took a step back beside Emmet as I swung the bat in one swift motion, shattering the man’s kneecaps.

“Fuck!!! You bastard!” he screamed out, and it was the first time he showed a bit of backbone.

“That’s no way to talk to the man who’s setting you free, is it.” I laughed as I brought the bat down on his injured hand. The bones cracked beneath it as he thrashed in the chair. His hips bucked as he threw his head back to an awaiting Red who headbutted him swiftly. “Cut him free,” I ordered as Red held his shoulders whilst Emmet and Gino made quick work of untying his wrists.

I curtly nodded towards Red with a wink as he shoved our toy onto the floor.

“Leave, if you can.” I laughed as Victor smiled proudly and somewhat menacingly.

We all watched on as he tried to pull himself across the floor, but with only one good hand, it was harder than he thought. I watched him struggle, and I felt no guilt, no remorse, nothing.

“This is painful to watch.” I scoffed as I debated what to do with him for a moment until the only thing to do was put the poor fucker out of his misery.

I crouched beside him on the balls on my feet whilst my forearms rested on my thighs, although we’d had our fun, we couldn’t stand by and watch this piece of shit struggle the rest of the day.

“You seem to be struggling a little there, fella.”

“I can do it; I want to leave,” he panted as he moved a mere inch.

“It’s a shame you won’t be then, isn’t it?” I laughed as I flipped him around on his back. His eyes widened with fright, and he knew these moments were his last.

“I’ll ask you one last time, who were they?” I knelt on his set of broken fingers as he gasped for air.

“I don’t know, I really don’t!”

“Then I have no use for you.” I cocked my head to the side as my mask slipped and all he saw was a stone-cold expression.
