Page 125 of Love Me Always

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“I don’t want you, I never have, and I never will. My heart belongs to him. I’ll never be yours,” I roared, my saliva landing below his eye.

“Yes, you will! I saved you from that monster, you ungrateful bitch!” He shoved me sideways as my head bounced off the concrete. “You could have loved me like I loved you!” Next came swift boot to my ribs as I tried to protect myself, but it was no use.

“You claim to love me, but you’ve got a funny way of showing it!” I forced myself to stand up; I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of letting him see I was to hurt to fight back.

“I do love you! I’ve loved you my whole fucking life! And I felt how much you loved me until he came along!” His hand strayed to caress the open gash on my temple.

“I never loved you like that; I loved you as a friend, there’s a difference.” He fisted my hair and the pain radiated on my scalp.

“Lorenzo can burn the world for you, but he will never love you like I can.”

“He doesn’t hurt me like you. He never has.” I yanked my head away, but he kept his hold firm. “Leave me the fuck alone, you psychotic bastard!”

“I’ll never leave you alone, angel. I bided my time. I watched you. I waited until I knew we had the perfect opportunity, and of course, I knew what time you were landing, what route you’d take, and that Lorenzo would be driving.” He smirked as his hand gripped my throat. “I paid some poor bastard to run you off the road, Lorenzo took great pleasure in ending his life according to your father. I’m still in the clear and it feels fan-fucking-tastic.” He laughed as his grubby hands made my skin crawl.

“Lorenzo will never give up on me. He doesn’t have it in him to give up on me, on us!” I choked; tears brimmed my eyes as his fingers tightened.

“We’ve covered our tracks well. They don’t have a clue. Just imagine two powerful leaders can’t find their most prized possession, it must be excruciating.”

“Oh, fuck off, Chad. Your voice is the most painful thing I’ve experienced whilst I’ve been locked in here.” I laughed, and honestly, I couldn’t care less. “You’re just as bad as those fuckers outside.”

He finally stepped away from me as he rubbed his forehead. His eyes roamed over every single inch of my body once more and it finally dawned on him the state I was in, the bruises that marked my skin, the welts on my wrist, the darkness beneath my eyes and the chapped skin on my lips from dehydration.

“Fuck! Ana, I’m sorry.” He stepped towards me sheepishly, I matched his steps in the same direction, I kept going until my knees hit the metal bedframe.

“Stay away from me! You were supposed to be my friend. I stuck up for you! Every single time Lorenzo had his doubts about you, I shut them down, and what did you go and do?! You proved him right. I should have listened to him, but I never thought you were capable of deceiving me and my family,” I shouted so loud he flinched; he always hated when I lost my temper, and as it seemed, he hadn’t changed. “Who the fuck are those brutes you hired to keep me locked in here like a damn animal?”

“Don’t.” He looked towards the door, and I didn’t understand how he could do a complete one-eighty in less than a minute and all because I raised my voice.

“Tell me. You owe me that much!”

“They were your father’s men, the ones he banished because they failed to do their job of watching you.” His dull emerald eyes met mine, and it finally hit me where I recognised them from.

They were the ones I gave the slip many times to sneak out, the ones who didn’t stand a chance against my father when he was angry.

“So, you just happened to create your own team to help you rip me away from the people that love me the most? Let me guess, you wanted me, they wanted revenge on my father, so you joined forces. How fucking original.” I rolled my eyes.

“It’s not funny! Stop laughing at me!” I could see how riled up he was, how I had chipped away at his confidence bit by bit.

“Why not? You’ve always been laughable, most would say pathetic, but again, I stood up for you. I was the one who held you on nights when you missed your parents. I begged my papa to take you in. I begged him to train you and mold you into the man you are today, or at least the man I thought you were, but the more I look at you, the more I despise you.”

“You’re wrong! You will love me. I will make you love me!” he spat, his anger worsened, it seemed he was on some kind of emotional rollercoaster.

“I’m getting bored now. Are we done here?” I flopped down onto the bed with a sigh.

“You’re never going home, when will you realise that?!” His eyes dropped down to the ring that sat pretty on my finger, the one thing that made me feel close to my husband. “Take that shit off.”

“You’ll have to pry them from my cold, dead fingers if you want them.” I fisted my hand tightly as his expression darkened.

“You won’t need them when you’re with me. Hand them over. Now!” he yelled, his spit flying across the distance between us.

“Fuck off.” I snarled.

His hand gripped my welted wrist as the chain slipped down my forearm just enough to reveal the open sores. Although I wanted to cry out in pain, I didn’t.

“If you want me to scream in pain, you’ll be waiting a long time.”

He raised his fist, and it collided with my eye socket. My ears vibrated as pain radiated through my head. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.
