Page 13 of Love Me Always

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"You seem to have misheard me; I'm actually feeling much better." My head snapped towards the doorway behind my mother as that familiar voice sounded.

There she stood, as graceful as ever, without a single hair out of place. I leaned back in my chair and pressed my index finger to my lips. No matter how hard I tried to derail her perfect daughter display, she never oncelooked at me; the only man she looked at affectionately was her father, who now stoodat the foot of the table as she sauntered in. Victor Fedorov may be a heartless bastard, but he cherished his daughter. He wasn’t a man who bowed for anyone, but tonight, I witnessed his weakness.


His pride and joy.

Lorenzo was astonished;he might have tried to hide it, but it was clear. Did he believe his performance in the bedroom intimidated me in the slightest?

It would take more than his dominance to intimidate a Fedorov.

Especially this one.

I accepted my father's hand and allowed him to pull out my chair, which was unavoidably next to Lorenzo. But, seeing the pride on my father's face, I didn't dare express my disappointment in the seating arrangement.

“It’s lovely of you to join us, dear. Are you feeling better?” Franco spoke from the opposite end of the table.

“Much better, thank you so much for your concern.” Playing the part was natural for me, and knowing how much it frustrated Lorenzo made every second worthwhile.

“I must say, my son could learn a thing or two from you. Manners, for starters.” He had a playful smirk on his lips.

“My manners are just fine.” Lorenzo scoffed from beside me.

This was too easy.

“I’d be happy to give him a crash course.” Except from the miserable arsehole next to me, the rest of the family joined in on my genuinegiggle as I reached for my wine.

As everyone engaged in conversation, a familiar hand rest on my knee, squeezing it firmly.

"Really, a crash course?" He leaned in close enough for his lips to brush against my earlobe.

“From what I’ve seen tonight, you seem as though you need one.” I placed my glass back onto the table as he turned his full attention to me. “Can I help you?” Just because I had his, that didn’t mean he deserved mine.

“I have to say you’ve put on quite a show tonight, playing the perfect daughter, playing hard to get. What was it you said to me in the garden? You’d rather die a virgin than fuck me?” The cockiness oozed from him, and my patience was tested.

“That’s correct, and for the record, you seeing me naked won’t be happening again,” I snapped in a controlled manner so as not to draw any unwanted attention.

“We both know it will happen again, and you’ll enjoy it just as much as I did.” He pulled my earlobe between his teeth, and I pressed my thighs together. “Your body gives you away, Anastacia.”

“Oh, Franco, they look adorable, don’t you agree?” Carmella’s soft voice brought me back to the dining room.

“Give them time, Carmella, but for now, I’m going to propose a toast.” Franco raised his glass with a beaming smile on his face. “To my son and his beautiful bride, may they have a marriage full of love and happiness until death parts them." Everyone chimed in as they thrust their glasses in the air. Lorenzo however knocked back the remnants of his bourbon.

The rest of the meal went by pleasantly. The laughter around the table wasn’t as infectious as you’d think. Lorenzo either spent his time burning holes into my temple or on his phone. Despite the disapproving looks from his parents, he didn’t care.

“Lorenzo, you’re being rather rude,” his father snapped as he slammed his tumbler onto the table with a bang.

“Shipments don’t run themselves, Pa.” Wow, he couldn’t even look at his father when he spoke to him. It infuriated me as he typed out a long-winded message to someone named Red.

My father shot him a disapproving look before turning his gaze back to me.

“Anastacia, the night is pretty much over. Would you prefer to stay with us for a while or head to bed?” He smiled gently as he rested his hand over mine on the mahogany table.

“I wouldn’t mind going to bed. It’s been a long day.”

“Goodnight, darling.” Carmella warmly smiled as she exchanged giddy looks with my mother.

“I hope to see you all soon. Thank you for coming this evening.” I genuinely meant It. “Lorenzo, it’s been a pleasure.” I forced a fake smile as he looked up in my direction.
