Page 133 of Love Me Always

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“That was for your attitude, the fact you’re as pissed as a fart, and that you left your wife alone for longer than expected!”

“Sorry. I’m as pissed as a what now?” I couldn’t hide my laughter any longer, this woman was hilarious.

“You know what Lorenzo, do what you want, but don’t come crying to me when she no longer wants to put up with your shit. Because carry on like this and she’ll walk away, I know I would if it were your father.”

“Well, luckily we aren’t you, are we.” I threw my keys onto the table behind her. “I’m going to bed.”

“Don’t you dare wake her,” she ordered as I stalked up the stairs.

“I’m not sleeping with her.”

“Lorenzo!” she called quietly, but I ignored her.

I headed to the room Ana once occupied before we were married and instantly fell asleep beneath the covers.

What was I doing?

Why had I come in here instead of our room?

Why was I finding it so hard to hold her?

The next morning,I awoke alone. Lorenzo’s side of the bed hadn’t been slept in, and I wondered if he even came come home. I heard male laughter last night, but I was too tired to check it out, so I ignored it. I still felt sore all over, but I couldn’t lay in bed any longer. I needed to take a walk around the house, maybe sit in the rose garden Lorenzo made me before the wedding. My stomach growled as I managed to gather what little strength I had and swung my feet over the edge of the bed, I wasn’t even hungry, I just felt sick, I just wanted my husband.

I slowly made my way to the bathroom, each step I took hurt my body, it ached with each subtle movement. I didn’t even know if I’d be able to manage a simple task like brushing my teeth, the pain already seemed too much. I clutched onto the sink as I tried to steady and compose myself. It was the first time I’d looked in the mirror for near enough two weeks and I looked like shit. My hair was filthy, my skin was dull and sunken, my eyes lacked the usual sparkle, and I looked frail. Different shades of yellow and purple decorated my skin, luckily Lorenzo’s t-shirt drowned me more than usual and I knew that I needed to build my strength up again.

“Anastacia!” I heard the frantic voice of my husband as he burst into the bathroom. “What the fuck are you doing out of bed?!” He seemed angry, agitated, and I didn’t know why.

Was it me?

Had I done something?

“I needed to use the toilet and brush my teeth, but I can’t, it hurts.” I hung my head in embarrassment.

Lorenzo let out a deep sigh as he pulled out the stool beneath the vanity, he guided me onto the awaiting seat. He proceeded to load my toothbrush with toothpaste. Surely, he wouldn’t do that for me.

“Let me help you.” He searched my eyes for a sign of acceptance, and I nodded softly. His hands were gentle as they cupped my face. I opened my mouth as much as I could from the bruising as he carefully and lovingly brushed my teeth. The look of concentration on his face was enough to cause my heart to somersault in my chest. “Is that okay?”


Once he’d finished, he helped me rinse and use the toilet which wasn’t something I was happy about, but he said I couldn’t do it alone.

“Now, back to bed.” He ordered, his voice a little too stern like I was an errant child.

“I need to wash my hair and I don’t want to stay in bed anymore. I want to see you.” I smiled.

“You have stitches in your head, so your hair will have to wait,” he said. “I have work to do today. I don’t know when I’ll be home.” He sounded as though he wanted to avoid me, as if he couldn’t bear to look at me.

“Did I go to the hospital?”

“Our doctor came here the moment we got you home. He checked you over as best he could, but he said he’d be back once you woke up to give you another check over.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ll give him a call.”

“I don’t want you to leave today, can you stay?” I pleaded, but his face never changed.

“Ana, I have shipments that need dealing with. I can’t.” He went to touch me but instantly changed his mind.

“Why can’t you touch me?” Tears pricked my eyes, and I didn’t want to cry but I was an emotional wreck.

“Your parents are coming over today; they have something to talk to you about.” Our eyes met but his were vacant, like there was nothing and nobody there.
