Page 142 of Love Me Always

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“We have the house to ourselves this evening. The guys are staying out.”

“Did you banish them?” she teased.

“Something like that.” I wrapped my arms around her as she stirred the sauce in the pan. “That smells amazing,amore.” My shirt slipped down over her shoulder and she had never looked more beautiful, and I may say or think that every time but it was true.

“Thank you.” She turned her focus back on adding the final ingredients, and it was clear through her huffing that me being as close to her as I was made it harder, but I didn’t give a shit, I was enjoying this time with her.

“So, what are you doing next weekend?” she asked, her irritation gone.

“Working…” I didn’t actually have a clue what I was doing next weekend except the usual shit.

“Try again.”

“Fucking you?” She spun with a congratulatory smile on her face.

“There will be plenty of that if you agree to come with me.”

“There’s only one place I like to come…” I joked as I sat her on the counter. I invaded the space between her legs which was a bad move, since she was naked beneath that shirt.

“Lorenzo, be serious for a second, and you can come there too.” She traced her finger across my tattoo as I knew she was building up to ask me something. “My father has planned a ski trip to Austria for the family and that includes you.”

“Is that so he can push me off the highest fucking mountain?”

“Is that a yes?” She beamed and I realised I couldn’t say no to her no matter how much I’d rather not go.

“Yes, but only for you.” I kissed her gently as she melted into me almost instantly.

“I’ll be sure to reward you for putting up with my papa for the weekend.”

“Oh, I’m counting on it,” I whispered against her lips.

After she called her father to fill him in on the good news, the night was ours and we did absolutely fuck all except enjoy one another. We laughed, we joked, and we shut everything and everyone else out and to be honest, it was pure perfection.

She was home.

She was safe.

And we were okay.

That was all that mattered right now.

We arrived in Hintertux,Austria, a place my father liked to ski at least once a year, preferably August time since the weather was perfect for him. He had reserved an over-the-top cabin which meant we all got to stay together, and Lorenzo wasn’t best pleased about that, but he remained tight lipped on this one which I appreciated.

“Ana and Lorenzo, you’re in the room beside us while Miles and Loreta are down the hall close to Franco and Carmella.” My father smirked at Lorenzo, he knew exactly what he was doing.

“You’ll just have to be quiet when I fuck you,” I whispered as I elbowed Lorenzo playfully in the gut.

“What was that?” Papa asked.

“Oh, nothing, Lorenzo just asked if you’re all ready to go out on the slopes.”Liar.

“We planned on going out after we got changed. Are you coming with us, Lorenzo?” He smiled.

“I may give today a miss. Ana has been feeling a little under the weather the past week, so, I would rather stay with her.” Lorenzo draped his arm over my shoulder, and it was true, the past few weeks I had felt a little off, but I put it down to the stress of what I went through and losing my grandmother.

“You can all go. I’m fine on my own, really,” I urged Lorenzo to go with my family since all I wanted to do was snuggle up on the sofa by the fire with a hot chocolate.

“Amore, I’m staying.” That was an order if ever there was one.
