Page 144 of Love Me Always

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“Are you happy with how we are?” I saw confusion set in as his brows knitted together.

“I wouldn’t wish for anything else; I love the life I share with you.” He held me tighter than I thought possible as he looked clearly worried.

“So, you wouldn’t want any single thing to change, even slightly?” This was fun… kind of.

“That depends on what that change might be, and honestly, you’re worrying me, and I don’t like it.”

“I want to put up a Christmas tree this year.” I smiled.

“I hate festive things at home. Do we have to?” He sighed.

“I mean, you should really start to get into the Christmas spirit since children like that kind of thing.” I smirked as I waited for his brain to absorb what I just said.

In three… two… one…

“Wait… are you trying to tell me what I think you are?!” For a man that used to hate to smile, he wore one so wide, his pearly whites were almost blinding.

“I’m pregnant.” Tears fell from my eyes and for the first time in a while they were tears of joy.

“When did you find out?!”

“About an hour ago. I was late, then I checked my dates, and it all made sense with how I’ve been feeling. I went to the on-site pharmacy and got a test just to see.” I cupped his face as his eyes welled with tears. “I’m sorry I didn’t find out with you.”

“I don’t care, Ana, I’m over the fucking moon! We’re going to have a baby!”

He was happier than I ever imagined he would be. His face was a picture of joy, and I loved seeing him this way. I much preferred this over the scowl he used to wear endlessly.

“No skiing for you tomorrow.” The protectiveness had already started,how lovely. “I’ll stay in with you, and you can take it easy.”

“Is it going to be like this for the next nine months?”

“Oh, abso-fucking-lutely.” He laughed as he spun me around in his arms and I was suddenly aware our families were watching us from the backdoor and probably wondered what on earth was going on.

“We have an audience.” I squealed with delight.

“I don’t care, I’m too fucking happy to care!” And it’s true hereally was.

“Anastacia, Lorenzo, get back in here right now, you’ll catch your death out there!” Carmella had opened the door just enough to call us both inside.

“In a minute, Ma, can’t you see we’re having a moment?” Lorenzo called back.

“Children! Who’d have them?” she complained.

“We are,” he whispered against my lips before he claimed them instantly.

After we finally calmed down, we hurried inside into the warmth of the cabin where all eyes fell upon us.

“Why is my daughter crying?! What the fuck have you done now?!” My father jumped up from his seat ready to lose it.

“Calm down old man, don’t hurt yourself.” I teased and he absolutely hated it, but I loved it.

“I think I preferred it when you were miserable, I didn’t have to put up with whatever this is.” He sat back down, and Lorenzo looked at me with a hopeful face, I knew he wanted to tell everyone in this room, but I was worried to.

“I’m going to put my pyjamas on, I’ll be back.” I rushed down the corridor and I knew I wouldn’t be alone for long.

I stripped out of my oversized jumper dress as I rummaged in the drawer for my pajamas. I felt the draft of the corridor as Lorenzo entered just like I knew he would.

“Amore, what’s going on? You were so excited.” Lorenzo pulled the pyjamas from my hands and placed them on the bed. “Talk to me.”
