Page 15 of Love Me Always

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“Always so feisty.” He chuckled, but thankfully, he retreated towards the door, but as he reached it, he paused, his hand on the handle. “Ana?” His voice was soft and caring.

“Yes, Chad?” My eyes were fixated on the dagger riddled dummy before me.

“You know I’m always here for you.” I knew he was. We always had one another’s backs since school. I had been there through it all, letting him cry on my shoulder many nights as the pain of losing the two people he adored the most weighed heavy on his heart.

“Believe me, I know. Thank you.” He departed, and I was left alone, just the way I liked it, although this time, thoughts of Lorenzo consumed me, the way my body betrayed me as he ran his fingers across my skin, the way his eyes made me want to submit within seconds, something I vowed never to happen, especially not for him.

The vibration of my phone in my back pocket brought me distracted me from my thoughts.

Unknown number…

Good afternoon, Ana.

What the hell?

I quickly typed out a response.

Me: Who is this?

I saw the three little dots automatically flash up on the screen.

Oh, come on, Ana. I think you already know.


Me: No, sorry. I have a lot of admirers.

I had no admirers, well, none I knew of anyway, but he didn’t need to know that.

I have no doubt you do, but from this moment on, consider each and every one of them a dead man. I don’t share.

Is he for real?!

I’m not his to share anyway.

Me: I’m not yours to share, dickhead.

Lorenzo had begun a game of cat and mouse, and I intended not to lose.

Such a dirty mouth, I can’t wait to see it wrapped around my cock.

Me: Burn in hell.

Oh, darling, I’m already there, I’m waiting for you to join me.

Me: You’ll be waiting a very long time.

I don’t need to wait much longer; the wedding is around the corner, but I guarantee you’ll be begging to be made mine before that.

Me: Don’t hold your breath…

Me: Actually, on second thoughts, perhaps you should.

Play all you want, but I felt your tight little body wither beneath my touch last night, and I promise it will do again. Mark my words.

Me: Goodbye, Lorenzo.

* * *
