Page 4 of Love Me Always

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“Boss, I apologise if I’m speaking out of turn, but maybe she’ll actually be able to tame you.”

“Listen clearly, Red, because I’m only going to say this once, there is no way Anastacia Fedorov will be good for me. No woman, not even the darling daughter of thePakhan, would ever be able to tame me.” I turned my back on him and the others while rolling my eyes.

I could hear mumbling from behind me, they knew it just as well as I did, I was heartless, and Anastacia wouldn’t be able to change that. Despite how pure her heart was or even how beautiful she was. I would let her stand by my side as my wife, that was it. She would not be my equal nor would she be the love of my life. Behind closed doors, she wouldn’t even be my friend. She'd be nothing more than a doll to me, one that I could dress up and manipulate anyway I want.

My father had told me she had graduated first in her class with honours, that she had been trained to defend herself to some extent, and that she was a carbon copy of her mother. She was a pure beauty, the kind that can melt even the coldest heart.

But not mine.

Mine was never meant to be thawed.

"Where do you want him dumped, boss?" Red called out, jolting me back to the present.

“Wherever the fuck you want, Red. There’s a meat grinder in the back if you fancy a change. I’ve got to head out anyway, so have fun.” I stalked out of the room, only hearing a faint reply from him.

“Always do.” Following his remark, he burst out laughing, and the others followed.

* * *

Arriving home, I was greeted by my mother, who wore a tight-lipped smile along with a rather subdued expression. She was dressed head to toe in couture, obviously eager for us to make our way over to the Fedorov mansion.

"Where have you been, Lorenzo?" Her disapproving stare darted to the blood on my knuckles.

“I had some business to attend to. I apologise for my delay.” I shrugged off my jacket, hooking it on the coat hook.

“Really, Lorenzo? You decided to attend to business on tonight of all nights?” Her tone was harsh and forceful, with a hint of coldness hidden behind it.

“Correct me if I’m wrong and I’m pretty sure I’m not, isn’t tonight business as well?” I stood my ground, feeling her eyes on me even more so.

“Lorenzo, please don’t act this way. We only did what we believed was in your best interests.”

"Mama, why are you in my house?" I spoke before thinking, and seeing her expression pained me a little.

“Your father informed you just this morning that we would be travelling together this evening.” She placed her hand gently on my bare forearm.

“You do realise I'm old enough to not require a chaperone, don’t you? Or do you not trust me to make my own way there?” I scoffed a little, knowing full well that neither of them trusted me to travel alone.

“You know that's not true.” She took my hand in hers.

“Lorenzo! Where the fuck have you been?!” Before I could respond to my mother, my father strode over to where we stood.

“What’s it got to do with you?” I snapped. I’d had enough of him speaking to me like I was still a damn child!

Looking at my father was like looking into a mirror, we were similar in so many ways but also different. The years had been good to him. He had barely aged, and like my mother, still had that young appearance. His jet-black hair was neatly brushed back, his thick, sharp brows sat proudly above his narrowed charcoal eyes. My mother had always been stunning, her kindness shining through everything she did, but her heart was the polar opposite of my father's. Her rich dark locks were usually pulled precisely into a sleek bun that sat at her hairline; her eyes were almost the same as mine in every part except that hers were full of love and acceptance whilst mine were anything but. They were emotionless like my father's. That would be the result of killing more people than you can imagine.

With each life that slips away, so do your emotions.

They leave hand-in-hand together.

You become someone you no longer recognise.

You no longer feel anything.

“It has everything to do with your mother and me. This evening, you have the most crucial meeting of your life, one that you can't afford to miss and one that you can't fuck up.” His dark brows knitted as he scowled.

“Well, since you put it so nicely, I wasn't intending on fucking it up. As much as I don’t want to marry what I can only imagine as a stuck-up princess, I would never bring shame or embarrassment to the Ricci name. I would expect my father to know that!" My mother jumped out of her skin as I slammed my heavy palm on the cabinet beside me.

"I'll have Gino pour you each a drink. Give me thirty minutes, then we can leave." I nodded towards my parents before parting ways.
