Page 45 of Love Me Always

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She sauntered through the kitchen past the three men she knew and the many she didn’t, the ones who didn’t live here. They knew better than to say anything but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t look, which churned my stomach. The door clicked shut as she went to her over-the-top armoured Jeep her father had bought her. I wasted no time rushing into the kitchen.

“Red, get me my fucking car keys!” I snapped as I tucked my pistol in the back of my waistband.

“Boss, what’s going on? What are you planning to do to Ana?” he asked, worried at the sight unfolding before him.

“Not Ana. Some fucking weasel she’s going on a date with,” I growled as I swiftly caught the keys before barging out the door.

The guys called after me, but it was too late.

I trailed her closely as she weaved in and out of traffic a little faster and carelessly than she should have been. I honestly didn’t know how she drove in those ridiculous things she called shoes, but that was an argument for another day. Despite how much I hated those heels, I couldn’t stop my mind as it wandered to thoughts of her riding me wearing nothing else but those damn things.

I knew I should hate her mouthing off at me daily, but in all honesty, I didn’t. All I seemed to think about was how beautiful that smart fucking mouth would look as she gagged on my cock. I’m already rock hard at the thought of it.

I didn’t know who she thought she was, agreeing to a date with another guy while she’s fucking engaged to me.

She signalled off the freeway, I never took my eyes off her car as she turned into the car park of a prestigious restaurant in the heart of town. She shut off her engine as I parked up on the other side. She almost had to jump out of the car since it was a little higher off the ground than any of mine. I pulled out my phone and dialled her number. The phone illuminated her face but as she soon realised it was my number that flashed up on her screen, her slender finger stabbed the reject button before she shoved it back in her clutch bag.

I’m not fucking having that.

Who does she think she is?!

I didn’t think I’ve ever moved so damn fast in all my life; I was on her before she’d even had time to lock her car.

“Is that how you treat your fiancé?” I smirked.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” she snapped, her face still perfect even though she looked murderous.

“Answer my question, Anastacia.” I smiled as I trailed my finger along her clenched jawline.

“I don’t need to explain myself to you! If I want to ignore your calls, then I will!” She sneered as she tried to get away.

I gripped her waist and pulled her body flush to mine. The warmth of her minty breath mingled with my own, and I had to stop myself from devouring her right here, right now.

“Not so fast.” I tucked my head into her neck as I inhaled her heavenly scent. “There is no fucking way you’re about to go on a date. You’re mine, and the sooner you realise that, the better.”

“I’m not yours. How many times do you need to be told? Do I need to spell it out for you?” She laughed.

"Do you think this is fucking funny? I'll turn your ass pink if you carry on speaking to me like a damn child!” I whispered as I ran my tongue along her neck.

“Stop acting like one, then!” She pushed me off her as she sauntered towards the restaurant.

I caught up to her quickly since her two strides matched my one.

“Anastacia, get back in the car and go home!” I ordered.

“I have plans. Ones you aren’t going to piss on!” she replied with smugness.

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that if I were you,” I snapped as I stormed towards the entrance of the restaurant until her voice stopped me in my tracks.

“You know what? Be my guest.” She smiled as I caught sight of her over my shoulder. It was the kind of smile that left me a little unsettled, but I no longer cared.

Entering the restaurant, I scanned the tables, looking for Anastacia’s date, but there was nobody single around. The restaurant was nearly deserted.

“Lorenzo, Ana never said she invited you this evening.” It was in that moment I heard a familiar voice; one I knew all too well.


I turned around, only to be met by five pairs of eyes trained on me. Victor, Florence, Miles, and two elderly ladies I hadn’t met yet.
