Page 53 of Love Me Always

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“Well, I’m five so how about five?” Jack said.

Clever kid.

“Five sounds like a pretty good amount.” Lorenzo scooped a giggling Jack into his muscular arms as they made their way into the kitchen.

“Auntie Ana, come on!” Jack called through his laughter while Lorenzo galloped into the kitchen as he obviously pretended to be a horse.

“Yes, come on, Auntie Ana,” Lorenzo called after Jack.

I rolled my eyes as I felt the smile leave my lips and reach my eyes; it was the first genuine smile I'd had for Lorenzo.

Had someone asked me this morning how I would have envisioned Lorenzo today, I would never have pictured him with his crisp white shirt rolled up to his elbows, his top two buttons casuallyundone, exposing the top of his sculpted pecs as it was tucked into his deep blue Armani suit pants. I couldn’t take my eyes off Lorenzo as he scooped endless flavours into an ice cream sundae glass before he decorated it with sprinkles, a chocolate flake, and a wafer. He slid it across the island to Jack.

“Auntie Ana, he has sprinkles! I like him!” He beamed through his gappy smile as he had recently lost a tooth.

“It’s a good job she’s marrying me then, isn’t it, little man?” Lorenzo winked, and Jack looked about fit to burst.

“You two are getting married? That’s amazing! Will there be ice cream? Can I come? Can I wear my hero costume?” Jack rambled question after question.

“Why don’t you go and find your sister? I’ll be out soon.” I ruffled his hair as he carefully retrieved the creation that now captured his full attention.

I waited until he had exited through the double doors that led out to the lake. I heard him squeal with excitement as he made his way to where Robin and Tay basked in the sun.

“I never knew you had it in you to be such a softy.”

“I don’t.” He scowled as he muttered something I couldn’t work out under his breath.

“You could have fooled me. You melted faster than that ice cream did when Jack came around.” Winding him up was too easy, his eyes narrowed quickly, and it didn’t take long before I knew he’d had enough of me. “That was after you knew Jack was a child,” I joked whilst I tried to contain my laughter as I remembered how he had reacted after he heard the name Jack.

“What was I supposed to think? You said you were waiting for Jack, so I thought—”

“You honestly thought I would bring another man into this house?”

“No, but—”

“But nothing. You should know by now if I wanted to fuck someone, I would do it far from here. I wouldn’t want my future husband to hear me moaning another man’s name.” I smirked as I waited patiently for his reaction.

“Mark my words, Anastacia, no other man will have you. No other man will call you his and no other man’s name will leave those perfect fucking lips.” Shit, he was angry and borderline territorial.

“Or else what?” I was playing with fire right now.

“I’d torture him painfully and slowly before I killed him, all before bringing him back to do it all over again.” A sinister smile played on his lips and my stomach turned a little. “What? You think I would let another man walk free after he fucked what’s mine?” He rounded the island before I was able to blink and had my chin trapped between his thumb and forefinger. “You think you know who you’re messing with, but you have no idea. I’ve allowed you to play your games up until now, but that stops today.” His tone was impassive as was his face. It lacked the previous emotion he showed just moments ago.

“I need to go.” I didn’t know why I couldn’t get more words out. Something about his domineering presence stopped me. It was the first time I had looked into his eyes, and speckles of gold danced within his caramel-coloured irises.

“Are you scared of me, Ana?” He cocked his head to the side as if he was trying to figure me out.

“I don’t have time for your games, Lorenzo. My friends are outside.”

“I don’t give a fuck; they can wait all damn day. I’m not finished.” His hands cupped my neck as his thumb gently caressed my cheek. If it was anyone else, I would have seen it as a romantic gesture, but since it was him, I figured it was anything but.

“That’s a shame because I am.” I gripped his wrist to move his hand away, the surge of electricity undeniable once again but that meant nothing,right?

“Ana.” His voice softened as did his expression. Something that I was sure was a rare sight.

I hummed as I relaxed my cheek into his touch a little more.

“Boss.” I heard Emmet’s thick English accent from the doorway, which shattered whatever moment we were so lost in. “Sorry to interrupt, but we need to finalise tonight’s shipment. Are you good to go, or do you need a moment?”
